March 5, 2008

British airways frequent flyer check

. with one?r two and three it became four, but it. For sake the chronology sake: Completely at the beginning there was only one Verr?ten. (or Gro?) all epochs scharte it J?er around itself, which were subjected to a strict selection procedure. Case mu?en they above all a condition gen?n: They mu?en money have or at least means and ways. the Verr?te wanted in. It should not even become a stink-normal airplane with two Fl?ln, three or more R?rn, T?n the in and stepping out and a seat f?jeden passenger, it was certain in the opposite from the beginning, da?kein passenger its paid seat also receives w?e, to leave and da?ein everyone of them the flier entered by a Hintert?zu and to have w?e, how supplier and representative and G?e, who are not to see a chicanery our Verr?ter be broken in let themselves: Stepping out should take place as a rule in 4000 meters?r the soil, the passengers should when desired for this purpose. Because the Verr?te wanted. Now, there are itself to carry setting off airplanes out like sand in the transmission of the B?kratie, all better clubs, everything in front the parachutist clubs, has one or the luxury of two machines, but the hammer lies in the detail: Not three, not f?, not the desire airplane should seize the six parachutists, but at least twenty all should itself at the same time into the depth st?en to k?en, as Zecken of an oak tree, if particularly fatter and. Airplane a hole, the so gro?wie H?enschlund, with a gate, the so gro?wie sky gate wu?e it exhibit finally, which it wanted: The Verr?te wanted. If one comes the Verr?ten once n?r, then one meets a completely normal average human being. We want to finally give it a name. Or does such, which it to become to want, d?en. through long years the Nomadenleben of a Kapit, befriend? the Landstra?, transported in a misery-long Unget? its rear end with fog in the R?spiegel to hardly still recognize was, clothing or ball bearing or which resulted otherwise in such a way, crosswise by Europe of the high north into the L?er of the Balkans or into the T?ei or to North Africa. K?e, neither floods nor meter-high Schneew?ten, neither sleep lacking nor Viennese lacking shreds could. Only one hobby could hold it, rarely enough, from it, to make itself p?tlich on the n?ste long route: Only if the last Sunset Hupfer were in V?au vor?r, vogue he itself then in its cockpit, two meters?r the soil, in order to drive through immediately thereafter eighteen hours and to catch up so the lost time again. As long as, until a daily somebody spread the tip in the east of Europe at the zust?igen border organs, one took our walter apart f?e smuggled goods of Bulgaria its Kolo?gleich at two borders nearly up to the last screw, the Z?ner, which begr?en him otherwise with "hello walter", verpr?lten it twice, because he did not want to confess. there had it the nose full and threw. The n?sten months saw it in. It accepted a job on a high-altitude building site at the Zillergr?l in the rear Tiroler Zillertal, where f?eine enormous power plant a 180 meters high concrete dam was built. Payment, few M?ichkeiten of the leisure activities, no opportunity for money spending, which airfield - Innsbruck - n?ste well 80 km far away, but much time to thinking and Pl?schmieden. From this time the IDEA originates. When it was born, nothing could do that. He procured himself documents and information, studied the M?ichkeiten, which market and the demand had., the Kapazit?eines particular by far?rstieg, mu?e he now to start to win Gleichgesinnte which as he in the Durchf?barkeit believed and help should, the IDEA on a solid economical basis to place and. Abschlu?der Tiroler Eremitage again in Vienna, the opportunity, to loose-will the funds with the acquisition of a private pilot light, accumulated at the concrete dam, at least partly again its flight instructor, with whom already long friendship connected him, f?die idea too gewinnen.und as you have you that one with Gespr?snotizen, here and there also with already raised. Both was now already clear: W?e enormous amounts of money and enormous amounts at work in legally, more technical. in this phase stie?ein to man to the team, cost whom the project needed like no second and tax counsels, expert in handling the red pencil, professional in. It was much more difficult to?rzeugen, found the existing statistics than?erst d?tig, reduced the high-flying thought material to simple numerical examples, which it in each case with the red pencil abschlo? d?fte?erschwang by referring to practical experience also on and f?sich good, but consistently not thought out. Only weeks sp?r, after many sleepless N?ten, in which it employed outstanding Viennese beside its reaming T?gkeit in a Wirtschaftskanzlei computations?rlegte, models sketched and again rejected, conceived and paper full-lubricated, and schlie?ich unterm line more black than red numbers won itself, more lie?er to the careful remark hinrei?n: "if us no crucial error unterl?t, k?te it under g?tigsten Umst?en perhaps m?ich." There they had their third man. Planning went now into the concrete stage. First of all a mu?e type of aircraft to be found, that some CASA 212 with drei?g Pl?en. caught up and gepr?, Financing concepts sketched, Vorgespr?e. That breaking into proved as only with difficulty digestible. Schlie?ich gave to be flown the excursion the fact, da?die CASA only with two pilots may, by those in the commercial employment owners of the professional pilot light II. more?er the personnel expenditure resulting from it the project CASA was carried again to grave. I, Gerhard, like Burli and Edi former with the Pl?schmiede in the Endresstra?, stie? Gro?s suspecting, but unvollst?ig informs, straight as fourth Unrettbarer to the crew, as the project SKYVAN scarcely. Were contacts gef?t how before manufactured, inch for a long time telephone calls, hei?elaufene telex machines with that? the enthusiasm gek?t. Belfast, manufacturer of the Skyvan, referred us to a Flugzeugdealer in England, which used Skyvans to offer h?e. z?s rings around prices and conditions set in, hundred details was too kl?n, often sa?n we to two o'clock Dealer Alan in old London d?te it not differently been issued its, because the telephone, and Alan l?ete not rarely announced themselves with the words "I have thought about in fr?n the morning hours, but. all gave their the latter, before which first inspection of the purchase object all open questions auszur?en, because I want the machine, which was already we those for months in running, in detail. Away, and we have all much suffered da?es to fourth a project on bending and breaking become w?e, without sufficient reserves and freedom of movement, a mu?e F?ter ago (see above). Person of Ewald, a friend of Edi, Gesch?sf?er of the German address one gro?n multinational enterprise, which connect as only from us only some moon earth distances in the airliner with the fliegerei - as a passenger. It at the correct time to win, has all following transactions. Now only we could be safe not to fail to no more because of the financing and could us fully on the technical, legal, beh?lichen and administrative. We enjoyed and begossen release from the seventh, the Geld?l, very much. Perhaps L?st already, already since the first halfheartedly thrown "or a Skyvan. are gekn?t the connections to the only institution in?terreich, with Skyvans operated: to the?erreichischen. There it gives pilots, who flew thousands hours thereby to technician, which screw for ten or f?zehn years on machines of this type. Situation to be, the condition of a Skyvan after detailed inspection with some accuracy diagnose to to k?en, people, which do not let themselves be impressed from??rlichkeiten, should people, which learned their job and to control, people, how. People, how we need it w?en, more n?ger than the sprichw?liche St? Bread, should the airplane purchase not the gr?e economic flop f?alle. Air sets the first cost-intensive action: It sends?r London to their to Singapore with the order, the center of our vital interests, sleepless N?te and rotzahligen Kontoausz? to submit a first restaurant inspection. The race with the time began: We write the 19. J?er 1986, in approximately two months is beginning of season in the afternoon reaches us, that at home-remained we for full impatience, a telex from the hotel Miramar in Singapore, which best?gt us the arrival of the two and the first pers?ichen contact with from London "with same post office" likewise traveled aircraft Dealer Alan. One still none saw airplane, with Alan "is however good to get along". Investigations at the living object take place, bem? the Viennese Stammannschaft around nebens?liche little things like the preparatory work f?die entry in the aircraft register, the?erreichische permission, those by an official of the federal office f?Zivilluftfahrt directly in Singapore to plan is - schlie?ich we do not want to buy a machine and to Europe?rstellen, from which only in Vienna turns out, da?sie, from whatever Gr?en always, no prospect has on?erreichische permission -, organizes the Abschlu?aller necessary insurance on call? by necessary?derungen and Erg?ungen of the sales contract draft, Geld?rweisungen, bank guarantees, k?ft itself with problems such as property and Gefahren?rgang and not least with the reservation of the R?fluges f? da?das purchase object of the technical and papierm?gen Erstkontrolle in gro?n and whole withstood. Back and forth it was finally so far the line machine to the first stage to Singapore. Scholz, which did not want to believe it up to the takeoff, there? removed, a flier to buy it wanted to investigate and whose clear-cut task consisted of it, in short us the time the total condition of the Skyvan and on the basis the log book the F?igkeit of n?sten gr?ren maintenance, standing to the Verf?ng, too eruieren. and I, which should make itself a picture of the fact far from the europ?chen civilization whether?erweisung into this world area the justifiable or however a un?rschaubares risk, and finally also the sales contract represents to a not evenly small sum of money to negotiate should my partners us coldly l?elnd abmurksen to w?en, our Einsch?ung of the conditions should ever turn out as wrong, mounted we thus with mixed Gef?en at 7 o'clock fr?die machine to London, over there Alan, the Verk?er of the Skyvan to meet. Tickets f?den far flight after S'pur at the JAT switch, however no trace or message of Alan. It dipped only, completely stre?eplagter manager, after the third and last call with more h?ender. The first impression: completely and Engl?er, not unsympathisch, still another little on distance, but quite. The comfort, which the Jugoslav air transport offers to its Flugg?en, l? also, how you know it today, absolutely on a stage it place itself - whereby you k?t reliably its, da?wir us the inferior Qualit?unseres in-Flight-service quite. With intermediate stops in Zagreb, Belgrade, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysien) bef?erte us this Un-line. ?igens a first impression of it, which tropical weather hei?: to 42 degrees Celsius in the shade with cloud-break-like rain, that, at the soil, already again to rain aufh?e had hardly evaporated, was the concrete as drying, only air was as good without Kiemen to hardly breathe became acquainted with we Alan completely well. it some time ago even already a few Spr?e made. In Singapore we were received from a representative of the Skyvan Eigent?rs, a black Indian and a former major of the Malaysian Air Force, which unverz?ich raised, our Entschlu?zu to praise, the purchase of such an first-class, perfect airplane like evenly this Skyvan. Us was however rather after a bed zumute, before we any further Aktivit?n. In the hotel Miramar, near the city centre of the city state of Singapore, we found soon comfortable admission. We surrendered a 20-st?igen recovery seed, continuous Sch?eitsschlaf, erfrischten us to the morning gymnastic in the ungeheizten, Swimmingpool at the hotel roof, warm therefore only 28 degrees, and broke after the Fr?t?s lunch. The taxi travel crosswise by S'pur verst?te the first impression of one sch?n. Singapore is really an island at the s?ichsten Zipfel of the Malaysian peninsula, only by a narrow Wasserstra? from the mainland separately, with moved history of the L?n "Singa Pura, reliably a reason daf with a Bev?erung of approximately 2 millions S?stasiens exhibits the gr?en port? da?die economy of the country is haupts?lich aligned to the trade. 1965 are Singapore a unabh?iger, selbst?iger state. The airfield Seletar is one of eight on the only 581 square kilometers gro?n island was astonished not badly, when we, hardly arrived, start a Skyvan after the other one, as to the Begr?ng orders, others to land saw, and a whole fleet of it on the Abstellfl?e. Our Auserw?te pr?ntierte itself with the strangely seeming (Indonesian) characteristic PK-PSG, wei?mit a red strip, h?ich boringly and after pink color d?tend. Screwdriver set and began in the kind of the heart surgeons in entrails herumzuw?en and after function-weak. Above all any signs of corrosion. No easy venture at temperatures around the 40 degrees and with relatively few Unterst?ung by the Eigent?r, its representatives after an engine test run the diagnosis firmly: Despite year of construction 1972 first-class total condition, we did not begin considerable corrosion, properly waited, only perhaps with somewhat little love to befl?lt now in fully airconditioned B?, about 30 Kilos waste paper - maintenance lists, engine Logs, modification lists, Propellerlogb?er, Flugb?er, objection lists. One was clear us thereby: Only even if a small detail in the log books was missing, then we could expect serious difficulties during the permission we two full days?r the papers had thus spent, were ready we for further purchase negotiations. Pr?ngen had - how we expects it had furnished, but in the reason of our?erreichisch mi?rauischen soul nevertheless not completely expected - an absolutely positive result. The purchase price was certain at this time of course, it applied now however, conditions with the spare parts to out-maltreat maintenance achievements and Zahlungsmodalit?n. After z?n negotiations the draft agreement was getelefaxt to Vienna (by telecopiers?r facsimile) and there from Vienna?derungen and Erg?ungen still r??rmittelten again and again were negotiated and again with the partners r?gefragt, all the back and forth still difficult more difficult by that. Ask up, then it was scarce in Vienna after midnight, agreed the friends in Vienna - who had to attend to their occupation - in fr?n the evening on a L?ng, then struck in Singapore. All h?n and dr?n were created, as the contract were finally signed were we now owners of a Skyvan - zumindestens at the paper so far in airplanes of the JAT?rhaupt m?ich the detour Belgrade - Zagreb - us, flared out after information, with hundreds questions - is more?er it reached Frankfurt were only the most necessary facts by teleprint. With the Erz?ungen became us however soon bewu?, da?wir in the last week too only scarcely. Before the discussions could achieve the unobjective stage, we gave way to the K?er, which required its right for a bed. On the n?sten day was the agreed upon. - how we call it all -, whole work had carried out. Grants of the central bank were present all, the money lay on the bank, which could?erweisung in order is given. The Creditanstalt Bankverein in vienna wall as our house bank proved as helpful and competent partners however, as with international bank transactions?ich, remained the money with ausl?ischen banks some days lying, in our case probably some days too long lost, and after days still no money had arrived, the nerves, seized an offering opportunity and sold our airplane a second time despair and Entt?chung made itself broad in Vienna, and above all concern around our money was made us an offer: A second airplane st?e to the sales, to the same conditions. To br?en w? the perfect cow trade with the cat the man, who should help us again once from the leave in the lurch, rejected, there its remaining vacation already planned was negotiations for hours with his service giver and its z?n wife - this adjective applies selbstverst?lich only for her negotiation tactics, schlie?ich had it the good right to want to spend the sp?ichen remainder vacation together with their man - could we it in the long run nevertheless still. It kn?te only one condition to its promise: Not again with the JAT. SINGAPORE AND SKYVAN, IN EACH CASE SECOND h?en we it already from Gr?en. Under the slogan "we booked the best airline f?die best people" f?ihn and relieved his Mrs. Singapore airlines of its arrival in Singapore, us a call of the concern over its and our all well-being: Singapore airlines is the optimum, the "new" Skyvan PK-PSF is still better than the "old person". The flier and therefore also family Scholz bef?en themselves however in Djakarta, which thanks you and refuels capital geb?end celebrated. Here a cordial Dankesch?an the address of SAB route is arranged in wels. Mr. Hasengruber from this Reiseb? it does not have with us easily had it us also still in the last moment transfers k?en, and Unm?iches it has with one ", Mach mA already". Alfreds Schwabs father-in-law, lie?n we order, da?bei it a M?henprinz in wages and bread st?e, how there is not it probably again. on to operate unpaid schleichwerbung: The telephone number of the Reiseb?s is?terreich - 07242/22013. Now?terreich the Beh?enh?enlauf began in. A society mu?e to be gegr?et, the airplane in way to the Federal Office be f?Zivilluftfahrt settled. Pr?r, which should determine the Luftt?tigkeit of the Skyvan after Abschlu?der still from the Verk?er durchzuf?enden maintenance work in Singapore, became an engineer us was from the outset clear, da?dieser man a Schl?elfigur. of an exact and strict Pr?rs, which us urspr?lich. Already with the first Gespr?en turned out, more da?er from its job much understands, f?unsere strained nerves nearly a little too much. Our concerns were partly serious nature, as for instance the Ausr?ung of ambiguity bez?ich the zul?igen L?emission, partly everyday nature like the L?ng of the problem with the color. Strip was not applicable, we wanted an airplane and none. Anyhow the color should work like a slap, it should for everyone in the Ged?tnis remain, that with it in Ber?ung. Kellygr?oder Pink came into the closer choice. Burli, to Singapore, to operate in order to document our Pr?nz and the continuation of the maintenance work to?rwachen, w?end the Viennese Home cousin began to dedicate itself to the problem?erstellung the machine to Europe had we in two Sto?ichtungen: We had to arrange on the one hand the crew f?den Ferry flight, and on the other hand the 12 necessities?erflugsgenehmigungen. since 9 years?erreichischer Bundesheer Skyvan pilot, was. There is not which pilot already, the one such task with their adventurous boundary conditions. Scholz ' presence also not of disadvantage w?, for instance if an engine should strike or burst a tire in the deepest India, au?r question stood. he violently works on, and too our all easement lie? The reference helped little, da?schlie?ich also in the future maintenance of the flier in its bew?ten H?en surely lies w?e. I wanted to escape me the action in no case was it nat?ich also no question. Burli was anyway already in Singapore, the w?en we with ten horses into an air liner does not bring balanced mixture from four pilots and an on-board technician. Thus still sufficiently place remained f?viel, much sprit into that I, Gerhard, was used, which I set the parachutists, but inch for a long time telex off in the consequence in my spare time not, containing kind and purpose of the flight, owner of the airplane, data?r crew and machine, intended air lane, schedule, W?che after Landepl?en and refueling etc.. Computer telexte I after Malaysien, Thailand, Burma, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Dubai, Oman, Saudi Arabia?ypten and. Three weeks before the planned?erstellungsflug we had all "Overflight, Landing and Refuelling Clearances" (?erflugs -, landing and refueling releases) together and nat?ich Singapore airlines to 2. Singapore, over the preparations f?die Luftt?tigkeitspr?ng. z?g in front, the Chinese Lackierer often asked they kichernd, whether we do not h?en ourselves in the color erred, and continued to paint then - kopfsch?elnd - nevertheless. When the Pr?r became ansichtig for the first time in the meantime the finished painted airplane in full color splendour, he saw having to do probably in his assumption best?gt, more da?er it not with completely normal people, but rather with not completely normal people k?e. it however with version and st?te themselves into the work on us all influenced, feared for we nevertheless all before the question: Mr. Eisnecker will discover a serious lack, which we?rsehen. A technical detail, a papierenes obstacle. Concern proved as unbegr?et. Monster from the Urschlamm pl?lich problems during the purchase of spare parts and difficulties with the mechanics on it was not to be found at one time. it had at another flier urgent to work so far, da?einen whole day long no humans our flier pitied, might it also still however much entrails from the skin have h?en, liked the dead eyes in the instrument panel. The propellers had not in-arrived yet, the flaps and rudders lay in resound in all stages of their developing history scattered, and it was missing at thousand little things of Vienna from hydraulics Hochdruckschl?he from Belfast and Triebwerksz?kerzen from Arizona/USA organizes. We ourselves went at the Werftgel?e and in Singapore on purchase route, around instead of souvenirs Feuerl?her cartouches or a gasoline pump. The causes of the difficulties were soon found: The Ersatzteilh?ler wanted to hinauflizitieren the prices, which threw its Arbeitskr?e only after end of workday at our machine begin, in order juicy?erstunden takes the money to k?en. After we had agreed in often no longer very peaceful discussions with the throwing sharks, at one time everything went how. Busy like bees, emsig like the bees, bev?erten the workers our Skyvan, which stolperten spare part suppliers. By the mi?iche period of the Unt?gkeit however the completion verz?rte itself schlie?ich so for a long time, to our Pr?r, which had already angeh?t?r the official duration of its official travel outside from own drive its free Saturday, with the best will not it closed to the Changi air haven and "celebrated" the parting in the flughafen-Restaurant with many, many very, very cold tiger Beers, until its machine was called. Mr. Eisnecker had already so far locked its?erpr?ng, da?nur more the prescribed workshop flight. Unfortunately Herbert vermasselte the flight plan had even already given up, a tropical thunderstorm the last chance and blew our hopes with 90 km/h of it on this angeh?ten last day, when the Skyvan with m?am the up-painted OE-FDL refuels already completely takeoff ready in the free one stood. Our anf?lichen Bef?htungen, which concerning permission, has itself as unbegr?et proven, Mr. Eisnecker was very more pleasant, in addition, very more correct. If one co-operates long closely?r one week, it cannot be missing, da?man also humanly n?r. service is service, and liquor is not liquor us also further with?erpr?ngen anything and piesakt us like Hinz and Kunz. In our attention lines up it h?r as if it here or there an eye zudr?en w?e. In the meantime we have it also as and it are only more a question of the time, to one it in one. Since that time we call it Josef. BETWEEN HOPE AND ENTT?SCHUNG. Eisnecker, which should permit our Skyvan in Singapore?erreichisch, partly more performed left in crucial points however unfinished things again to Vienna its estimation range lay, but the difficulties and Verz?rungen. still with the takeoff offers: If its boss agrees, it k?te introduces itself, da?der workshop flight, which takes place only still missing kr?nde Abschlu?der Zulassungs?rpr?ng, without its pers?iche presence in Singapore. Which meant f?uns its or Nichtsein, because: F?eine recent foreign official travel h?e Mr. Eisnecker again a Ministerratsbeschlu?gebraucht, and that h?e it around the Osterzeit probably hardly zuwegegebracht, there the Council of Ministers do not unseretwegen schlie?ich permanently meet the R?fluges around 4 to 6 weeks w? the inevitable. None of us h?e remain so long k?en, which again enormous amounts had at travel expenses as a consequence h?e. Best we did in this situation thus in such a way, as if surely on it was to be counted, da?Herr Eisnecker to us Monday tomorrow with the joyful message?rraschen. We set thus the takeoff (with the Skyvan, understands itself, to another Bef?erungsmittel could and did not want we at all think) on coming Friday firmly, sp?abends or at night, planned the route recently through and set the mark of telex with the request, repeated from the hotel to all states, which we wanted to pass, for, over?erflugs -. all releases limited given and meanwhile run off. The remainder of the Sundays we maintained our mental, partly also the physical cat misery at the Swimmingpool and with an expanded. Gespr? elegantly the cliffs of the Skyvanthemas faithfully the unexpressed slogan: A switching off and beer drink. On Mondays finally the decision f?t: at noon its decision bekr?igte again, its m?ichstes announces themselves f?uns to do to want from Vienna, announces the arrival of the Pr?rs from Singapore and. All color yields from our faces, us in summary requests: ", packs together everything comes, we flies today with the SIA. Only after it feasted itself for a long time enough on our fright-distorted Fratzen, it r?t. Mr. Eisneckers a boss is in Canada, k?e thus not to be asked, therefore our Pr?r decided selbst?ig, more da?er with the workshop flight pers?ich on board its m?e. few editions did not give and the Durchf?ung of all "Nullerpunkte" - points of the objection lists, which are to be repaired "before the n?sten flight" - again categorically did not demand, and it will us au?rdem completely surely in air zerrei?n, if he should determine in Vienna, da?irgendeine of its editions not kept is, but otherwise w?che. Rejoicing out as well as an expanded attendance in the "Newton center" - a mixture from Chinese restaurant and Viennese Heurigem. One sits on Holzb?en on long tables, l? the indefinable, but k?lichen Spezialit?n munden itself and satisfies the thirst with d?em k?en beer. We pinch ourselves the Genu?der under the B?en strew-end cats, which, we w?en only with the finger to one this lean Gesch?e point, that look like fell?rzogene frameworks, in the Nu - "Fried, one US" (roasted 1 dollar) - prepared on our plate are appropriate for w?en, huldigen however extensively another people sport: Feil. It does not pass half beer, there can the not-Chinese visitor his Pr?nte and souvenir already from an enormous amount of offers w?en: Rings, clocks and sun glasses of well-known mark companies like also genuinly Chinese sun screens and much more besides one gezaubert under the seal of the discretion from one of thousand L?ern and S?en:. Look here, 40 dollars for you, you acres and other Nutznie?r of the international air traffic, which we meet on our home flight w?en. After Feil for hours we knew the pain threshold of the Dealer and received our Rolex's for. With what our expenses place hopefully finally wei? da?das an official Bes?nis was is nevertheless everything full energy. We now know, wof?wir. and compass Swing, Herbert and I work on the?erflugsgenehmigungen (first from Dubai meets already 3 hours sp?r in) and drive to the Changi air haven, in order to visit flight and weather consultation. The flight consultation f?die general aviation was a little understaffed with an absolutely the-informed Chinesenm?hen, the wetteraussichten f?den remainder of the week lifted the tendency however again: Throughout Sch?etter to r?r after. From the pilots it could. In the course of the n?sten daily n?gsten used?erflugs and landing permission made of Thailand and Burma wobble now nevertheless in, however f?die route via Phuket Rangoon Calcutta after repeated Urgenz to. That is at the current time however already everything no matter to us, main thing, we comes away finally weighing and workshop flight is durchgef?t tomorrow and the Skyvan of threw dismisses. Thursday is not last checks, above all the Ferry service station, dedicated as well as the purchase of provisions with as different defaults as "this or that one mu?bis Vienna is enough, gibt's otherwise anywhere" or "the beer may only to Pakistan be enough, then m?en wir's in the sea to tilt, because one is sharp there on alcohol". Thursday in the evening starting from 20 o'clock all 5 men sits takeoff ready in the visitor room threw, before of them closed roll gates the Skyvan fully doing and kerosene thirst parks h?e us actually prevents k?en, immediately "to loose-gas", only Herbert discovered still in time during the last flight consultation, more da?der us obligation-ordered airport Phuket only again at 7 o'clock in the morning restaurant time its runways?net. us one waiting period to 3 o'clock fr? in which we us in the most uncomfortable positions in the area - air-conditions because - distribute. bells of everything up: The Ferryflug cannot begin to lift we thus around quarter four (the Friday morning) of the runway 21 of the airfield Singapore Seletar with dr?enden turbines we any longer much, all pilots pursues strained the takeoff procedure, the technician its (now probably ours) Spritleitungen. Nu we reached the mainland, what only?ert itself however f?uns in FORWARDS and ADF announcements and DME distances. To the question, who now actually really flies the machine, m?e one answer: Actually Herbert, because it sit left in front and h? at the steering wheel firmly, but in reality fly yourself we it all, because none thinks on something different one. We follow the Malaysian K?e. not for a long time, then enormous unloadings illuminate the inside of the darkened cab. Flight route, perhaps still 20 or 30 miles before us, enormous rave. Straight ones before we in the middle in the tempest sting?rfliegen we the n?ste radio beacon, at that the Luftstra?, which we have to follow, a light right break describes pull we on the enormous kumulonimbus past. Already again such a Unget?genau before us. And tats?lich, again the Luftstra breaks? in time to the right. The tempests stand drau?n on the sea aufgef?lt like beads on a cord however st?ig?r for country and follow the gekr?ten. In the first morning light we land after 4 hours 15 minutes flying time on like still become extinct daliegenden airport the thail?ischen holidays island Phuket. probably are after the first night stage. , da?die on-duty pilots (and also the?igen crew members, how I can insure you) w?end the flight casual-sportily in t-Shirts and Jeans of the tropical sun defied, w?end the same crew will not have escaped anybody, which regarded a part of the numerous photos of?erstellungsflug attentively, after the landing in adretten uniforms as from the egg gepellt. Light blue shirts, dark-blue trousers, in Singapore f?jeden lent from us to Ma?tailor, from first-class material and to a fraction of the used euro prices, and shoulder straps, partly from "genuine" pilots, partly handgen?e Falsifikate, then heischten we respect and reverence of Singapore. Neither the missing ties, M?en and Uniformr?e still the adventurous-mismatching Fu?ekleidungen from the sandale to the turnschuh did to the h?ichen admiration abort, with which one us everywhere (Vienna is here however excluded). The captain by K?nick h?e its bright joy in us had, h?e it us briefly in each case before the landing and then again immediately after the start with the "maskenball". The friendly treatment, which one angedeihen us now here in Phuket, Thailand, the first station of our home flight from Singapore, l?, increases after the first night stage already much gro?n the optimism. The good mood, those with payment of the tank calculation (?2,50, - - per litre kerosene w? our desire price f?Europa, where we pay today a multiple m?en) and the Landegeb? from scarcely?100, - -, becomes only with the task of the flight plan f?die n?ste stage arises. All professionals had warned us of Rangoon. W?end of our stay nearly of one month in Singapore was not vers?t an opportunity, Ferrypiloten in Fachgespr?e. gro? Schweiger before the gentleman, if it competition wittern. If they had however only once from the uniqueness (in the word double meaning) of our project?rzeugen themselves to leave, then they poured?r before good Ratschl?n. prevailed anyhow the opinion forwards to avoid da?Rangoon. One warned us, da?ein easy tank inflation on this airport in the low-communist Burma?r days pulls itself. The most experienced Ferrypiloten k?ten on times. Unfortunately f?uns a landing did not run off the first?erflugs and landing permission f?den alternative landing strip Chittagong in Burma practically unavoidably, since we do not know on the one hand the Spritverbrauch of the Skyvan yet well enough, in order to dare a direct flight?rs water to India, on the other hand in Bangladesh in the meantime and second yet. Burma however was one the first L?er, that the shift of our time schedule affirmative and all permission. On fresh courage in the ungelobte country. The start in the mornings on Phukets pleasant 18 degrees prevail to endlessly long runway verl?t smoothly despite high rolling friction with maximum weight and high temperature of scarcely 4000 m. Stra?nnetz ever more weitmaschiger, the tropical jungle always. Those fears for question becomes loud whether the handy flown in optimal Planerf?ung from Vienna is surely stowed away?erlebenspaket with life boat and thousand n?lichen little things also at hand and before the consequences of a forced landing helpless search is the package - nevertheless do we have Reisegep? f?5 of people, all spare parts, which were to wars, tool.) seats, provisions cardboards and dose beer, uniforms, sparetires and sleeping crew members all?rall in the cab space-saving ship and to good the latter also still another auxiliary tank with that. It paints the situation to us after a forced landing: The Skyvan disappears in the jungle, which strikes crowns of tree like a blanket?r the intruder together and take each chance, from above to be seen -?rhaupt if us. The n?ste settlement is several hundred kilometers. Actually k?ten ourselves did we only on the n?sten 30 - 40 years (of unpaid) vacation in the jungle furnish are f? Persons in the life boat anyway already nearly too if thus dear vacation make m?te. In the meantime the thunderstorms before the K?e up gel have themselves?, no cloud verunziert more that. For one and a half hours we are in air, since 300 km are no Stra? to see and no more house. We n?rn us the border of Burma. Here stands noted in the radio navigation map: "WARNING. NO ENTRY TON OF BURMA AIR SPACE WITHOUT AIR DEFENSE CLEARANCE. After desperate Bem?n on more than 20 frequencies, in the middle in hei?n discussions around the topics reversal or flying on succeeds finally, connection with Rangoon manufactures follows finally also the wages of the fear: "OSCAR echo Foxtrott delta Lima, you acres CLEARED ton of enter Burma Territory". ?r jungles?rs sea in the gulf of Martaban, then. We navigate partly after the K?enlinie, since the radio beacons are too far from each other, over in our low Reiseflugh? are received to k?en. As Herbert, which sits still left in front for the time being, "a Stra?. , rises the probability already drawn in doubts announces again, da?dies still the civilized planet earth is. On it we register finally also a DME Entfernungsanzeige briefly. The airy-easy flight clothing yields in the approach again material seri?n the Bodendress, the four golden clips w?n perhaps nevertheless disadvantageously. Descending flight, approach of ILS and landing - pure routine. We roll him with mixed Gef?en on the Abstellfl?e gotten by Rangoon/Mingaladon. out and - is from one moment to the n?sten with a proclamation in the shade of the Tragfl?e disappeared see us resigning on - now hat's totally. I am the n?ste victim. I experienced a quantity, am however g?lich again my skin h?e safe looked already the experience, which I make here, me as by louder small. Ever I do not have so violently and. The entrance from still the cab kept at a moderate temperature with 20 degrees pleasantly into the burmesischen air space are hardly to be borne greenhouse-ripely and also in the shade.) am I waschelna? Schwei?lecken do not have time to spread on my shirt it change quasi?rgangslos its state of aggregation from drying to. Within short time we measure 70 degrees in the airplane - unaushaltbar, we do not want anything like again. We exactly distributed the tasks, which everyone has to erf?en at the soil, already in air. Ferrypilot 12 hours, then should f? good people not more dry however, to we clasp themselves here k?en. First the tariff and Pa?ormalit?n. In addition go? endless Ausf?en liked who of the everywhere we are - all f? Names and Pa?ummern as well as characteristics and Eigent?r of the machine are in demand -, from where we come, where we want, where we flew into the country and where we intend to go on a trip, 42-mal erkl?n we to bring along no sticking on diseases and the details of last disinfecting of the airplane describe. Vienna, already einschl?g forewarned, 100 empty copies (nat?ich. how much dollar costs the sprit. can with Carnet be paid. How much money are we also of. How much one may einf?en here. None of us does not speak particularly well Burmesisch, into decorations wei? Uniform dressed, with much gold beh?ten Z?ner perfectly English with good will on both sides, with H?en, F?n and a zeichenblock folds the Verst?igung completely well. One seems to have understood, da?wir only "Fuel and Clearance", sprit and release wants. Nevertheless: All man need a visa. Employ to the Ausf?en of halbverst?licher Fomulare, for paying the Visumgeb?, to the face bath with the Einwanderungsbeh?e. Flughafengeb?e remain d?en, do not want we not aufs?ig. As far as we judge it k?en, we lie zeitm?g. Much can occur to those probably not more, or other dozen of forms perhaps still, here still a few dollars, there again f? or ten signatures. Also the director of gas station has itself after discrete?ergabe a 20-dollar note of the necessity?rzeugen to leave, its lunch time, those reliably to lasted h?e. paid is everything, weather consultation in the evening is caught up. Still the H?e with the far flight remains forwards, it however actually refers to our first. On the request for extension of deadline we, as of most L?ern, did not have an answer received wise we now with the most innocent L?eln the telex with the laconic text "flight CLEARED as requested" and a inch-long release number forwards, have however secretly belly pain before it, da?der time or period of the authorized test flight in the release number verschl?elt its k?te. Rangooner T?er, which checkt the telex, seems to have also its doubts, because he telephoned long, speaks fast and. But fern?liche telephone calls sound. After fear for do minutes signs the CONTROLLERS our flight plan and discharger? Herbert and me with the best. Perhaps he spoke us only with his wife, w?end the heart ever more deeply sank one and a half hours after the landing. Also the release for starting the engines comes promptly?r radio runs again into Str?n, which become uniforms still at the soil in all hurry exchanged for short trousers and naked Oberk?er, 70 degrees in the airplane, which links engine comes on routes, l?t. batteries reloaded, right starter button gedr?t. A word with Sch is maltr?ert. Unfeine phrases poison the Atmosph?. in Singapore still meant, it was all best correct, he k?e now by line flight home d?n, in order to still save the last days of holiday, had God was still thanks in. Now we saw it on board and to it too, as it itself, which verspr?nd, again into the schwei?asse uniform and it swings fair anger hinterh?ig of the Entt?chten then decided whether the m?erischen heat with the Grazie of an elephant in the Sauna, swearing at the airplane roof, few centimeters at the left current prop. past. Obviously more wei?er, where he has to screw on, because he purposefully focuses the right Fl?enwurzel, far away there a cover, been busy in the developed?fnung and instructs after two minutes gesture-rich: Anstarten. above on the Fl?e by hand an electric circuit briefly, Fuelflow, Z?ung and the tachometer awake to the life, which stopped breath prustend ausgesto?n. supplies the open wound to the Fl?lnase with the screwdriver, only from the turning propeller removed centimeters, swing unger?t from the roof into the cab, schlie? the T? and st?rt after that. Those it schwei?ebadet fairly earned like we all, to the Runway, guest on and circles themselves, hardly in air, in the direction of Calcutta, where our more n?ster. 1 hour and 59 minutes at the soil in Rangoon. experience Herbert the n?sten heart stop break and race loud howling and rattling by the cockpit. After the flight attitude is again corrected, kl? itself those. The propeller, which lies there on its thigh, has a diameter of only 25 cm and geh?e formerly. Herbert is now even a little out of round and required for beer, however as a "pilot in COMMANDS" only with mineral water is refreshed, until with approximately 3000 m the temperature in the flier dropped again to a human value. In the meantime are we?r the open sea, the gulf of Bengalen, which f?seine heavy St?e ber?tigten and violent tempests w?end the monsoon time. Fortunately the monsoon time is not still far, blue sky pleases the eye, a cloud?rschattet our adventure has in the meantime the Fl?igkeitsverlust and the blood blutverdickung resulting from it successfully with Bierdi?bek?ft and ensures accordingly f?Stimmung on board despite harsh RTS concern folds to this topic. Alternation does also urgently emergency, because from Rangoon to Calcutta there is not a only one "curve" to fly. A1 f?t here with a continuous course of 308 mi?eisenden degrees f?hundertvierundf?zig nautical miles long the many three and four-strip pilots on board to finally relieve of and 1000 km long autopilot play to Herbert the work such trister situation developed reliably the many ape jokes. in the course of the in the afternoon come the message from the lookout: "country in view. Country, then again widens landing on water straining, again country and again. more?er one hour long fly we?r this impressive, almost unbelievable water landscape is catastrophic, the Indian English is with difficulty verst?lich, has one the burmesische still in the ear the town with millions of inhabitants Calcutta to the Abendd?erung hinterl?. After the landing we roll to the Abstellfl?e and become directly with a sample of the Indian Mentalit? W?che to ergr?en, nobody offers its services. Only as we get ready to, to Fu??r the apron. One means us to wait for the bus to that us to the Abfertigungsgeb?e brings w?e. The driver erkl? itself however only after?ergabe of. Visa, Erkl?ngen, da?wir by any means do not enter, but to only refuel want, resound ungeh?. Above all the word "dollar" up. We stand before the l?sten divide? our journey: Crosswise?r the Indian continent after Ahmedabad. , we dropped the plan of an intermediate stop in gnaw pure, on half distance sp?stens, as we the acquaintance. Flight preparation f?die fourth stage is final and again is gegengecheckt, the Skyvan is refuelled l?st and. The flight plan is ausgef?t and is now submitted. We receive a copy to?, in addition the report, the flight plan is only considered as accepted if on the copy stamps. Now the Spie?utenlauf begins. Apart from the m?vollen search for all the appropriate persons, who the stamps with itself carry (they already know, why), cost to each individual stamp mark also its price. Rennereien - we k?en the work do not divide, since only one flight plan copy stands to the Verf?ng - we in-collected all demanded stamps after well two hours finally and stolzieren Herbert into the flight consultation, around the flight plan now. The unfriendly Indian behind the desk twitches only the shoulders: The flight plan ran off the copy off, which looks like a tourist moving document of identification after 40 minutes ago ago. A new form is found fast. Vor?rgehend went out straight all forms, against 10 dollars are then nevertheless still one. Now only more were the stamps on the new flight plan missing, do mean gutm?g our Gegen?r. regretting verh? to have, he does not best?gt however, there f?e. Thus: New planned time of departure in 1 hour and again on the search for the stamp owners. "Landegeb? "cannot with the best will no more does pay remember, da?wir already paid h?en, after time-consuming discussions agrees one on the half Landegeb? - nevertheless also still 65 dollar - without calculation. Straight one still in time again in the AIS, is now behaviourless accepted the plan, after all involved ones were allowed to make their cut. hours of Vollbesch?igung f?f? , the Skyvan, scarcely 3000 litres sprit in the belly, lifts persons schwerf?ig. From the maps we know, da?wir on the distance some time long without radio beacons will get along will m?en, there their distance among themselves in our intended Flugh? no continuous receipt gew?leistet. Nevertheless we are?rrascht, da?bereits 30 minutes after the start all navigational instruments itself in resting position. All switching and trying do not bring a success with Calcutta Tower remain unanswered, likewise calls with the shortwave-close? its range is practically unlimited. We are a little helpless nine hours without navigation aid at night?r a India. Without radio beacons we w?en the goal airfield never find. Still several times try we, radio communication. Finally cracking in the Kopfh?r, a Swissair announces oneself, asks friendly for our characteristic and upper reported, he is on the way to Bangkok, and it is quite normal, da?in India w?end the night the radio beacons and Funkger? switched off w?en and the air traffic controllers. We thank you, w?chen good journey and fly fully again-awaked hope to the dark, light and pointer-loose create, some hours long H? to hold and direction. With the occurrence of any Unregelm?gkeiten like total orientation loss or briefly which is approaching crash. Herbert r?t the Kommandobr?e and looks for themselves on the auxiliary tanks a place f?seinen. Soon it becomes gem?ich calmly in the flier, everything. Herbert w?t itself jerkily on the service station, is it from Pflichtgef?, it is to be attributed to the aftereffects schw?n of the heat in Burma or the m?amen Indian in Calcutta or simply the hard camp. Pr?se flying quite. Only few degrees in the wrong direction mean a position wrong around dozens of kilometers after seven or eight flying hours - anyhow, da?der wind remains hoping w?end the night does not turn, thus in the first half hour before elimination of the radio beacon Calcutta reached luvwinkel its. To rise simply to go to the rear and the Abl is however not to be remembered?. The autopilot gl?t (until today) by absence a valuable flight manual to the bell over, by placing it with purposeful throw on Burlis chest. That in such a manner r? from his Tr?en gotten walter does not see a problem to?rnehmen now - its 10-j?iges training as fernfahrer makes itself paid sleeping as being awake beside it, throws occasionally a ein?igen view of direction and H? and dedicates itself otherwise only to the task to protect again and again the head sinking on the chest Zusammenst?n with hard Gegenst?en. Pointer g?end its members to fall asleep over equal again and still another few minutes too d?n. Ger?nach the other one endg?ig lively, even a bearing for positioning becomes m?ich. was we w?ende of the whole night around less than 50 miles. Still about one hour does not separate us from Ahmedabad, still however gives it a radio communication not completely healthy f?t, and autopilot Burli will dismiss. That is completely glad and needs only 5 seconds over to fall asleep. In the meantime any guru has also the marker of Ahmedabad. We follow the official approach procedure, although the funkkontakt is still missing if necessary also without radio to land. The airfield comes to an extensive city orbiting into view, neither is however the approach fires is switched on still possibly an indication of Aktivit?erkennbar. gives the Funkger?einige qu?nde T last? by itself, it remains however undecided whether we are meant with it. Schlie?ich lands Herbert the Skyvan including crew stout-heartet on the obviously closed or left open airfield. Nothing does not move, anything moves, with the running out of the turbine blades sounds the last Ger?che. Oh no, it is only walter, the quiet. On the far horizon a yellow, milchige disk, also not straight with the momentum of the recent morning, pushes itself. we stands in the N? the "old terminal", an accumulation of heruntergekommener ebenerdiger buildings of bricks, unfern the control tower, which sees that?lich for confounding formerly to East German Grenzt?en. Terminal ", already a little more repr?ntativer, is appropriate for about 500 m nord?lich and is unlabelled. All awake crew members left the machine and to observe the first flight movements: Two kakadu?liche V?l seem to quarrel from us one after the other out certain Gr?en into the B?he schl?, appear with interested face expression two kurzhaarige dogs, few sp?r begin crowds of Liliputh?ern the peaceful picture too bev?ern. Marco Polo recognized the meaning of dogs and H?ern: Somewhere, too far, mu?es alive human natures do not give, perhaps even a correct settlement in the midst of. After he scans the n?sten Geb?e, but, beschlie found nobody? it, that is tower an attendance abzustatten. in the all-holiest Elektronikum unversperrt, l? however nevertheless only heavily?nen themselves. The "CONTROLLERS" are informally distributed at the soil, three or four further, obviously auxiliary personnel in the on-call service, alarm department or fire-brigade, have - civilization luxury. From approximately 15 telephone apparatuses, which are arranged before the gro?l?igen disks halbkreisf?ig, all H?r is removed that, lies beside or baumeln at the cables of the Arbeitsfl?e. After a loud "good morning" in well?erreichischem dialect movement comes into the scene. Still one takes the presence of a stranger indignantly, but whether the unavoidability nevertheless at least to the knowledge the other one it packs its filter things silent and climbs those. Before the tower in this way to because vollst?ig with shirt and trousers a dressed official on the grain and entangles itself it in a short, kl?ndes Gespr?. It is national custom, then it, da?jetzt night is granted. At the night however one is to sleep, and we should please only in in, two hours land are, w?e one the national customs also not?ern. The T?er schlie? with tr?enden words the T? and again down refunds to us other one puts (probably) ausf?lich. After short consultation beschlie?n we to make from the situation the best to sleep also something and in such a way do afterwards, as if we straight landed w?n. respect and tribute, by opening us only against half eight, thus approximately two hours sp?r, to the n?sten attempt. Still w?end we rest, appear also a Unterz?ner, which admires that pink elephants ungl?ig and as long as with shielding hand by a window after the other one, until we believe ourselves ver?ernden Lichtverh?nisse because of that continuously, a whole army st?e glotzt drau?n approximately around that. Only as I the front entrance?ne and verk?e "it is only a concerned Gefl?er in the cab. The smallgrown Indian is only with friendly in good English and is the personifizierte curiosity. I mu?ihn into the cab to climb do not release, him the tanks erkl?n, him to ask, to be quiet for the sleeping officers to wake and him only after I him with Marlboro from Singapore presented and him excusing regretting meant, it k?e because of the fire danger drau?n will only smoke. It k?igt its boss f?acht clock in the morning on and twists. It will not leave the flier up to our takeoff to no more from the eyes and to the wages f?seine. In the second approach we receive now tats?lich useful answers to our questions, receive detailed briefing in to erf?enden Formalit?n and begin already once as a precaution with the Ausf?en the "general Declarations", which we bring along in a group of one hundred from Vienna, and which us now unfortunately soon are in the form economy none threaten to go out?nlichkeit to determine, although we are still in the same country are in the most adventurous formats from 20 times 50 to 10 times 10 cm held, some see one on, da?sie obviously already several times as Jausenunterlage were used, imprint are the probably thousandth copy with each quantity of typing errors on typewriter of a written l?st solemn einge?herten original, questions in Latin writing change with such in Indian characters, which we then always answer with the passport haven NUMBER. All man sit in an area, which is vollgerammelt with probably formerly British desks. as the Oberoffizial the time f?gekommen h?, if he collects the "homework" regardless of the protests in, she stacks so sorgf?ig, as it because of the different Papiergr?n m?ich is, and - it throws unread with geringsch?iger Geb?e in one gro?n paper bag, which we f?den trash cans held. it us the stamps, beginning with paid Landegeb? ?r Gesundheitsbeh?e, tariff and Pa?ontrolle to paid tank calculation up, now to collect are one starting from half nine, but anyhow only, if the tank car is quick-made, the Gesundheitsbeh?e is it, when Health Officer. k?e one submit the flight plan. I, Gerhard, am turned off, to pursue the Bem?ngen around the tank car refuelling to supervise negotiated with the Gesundheits Z?ner and organizes F?ungen with him and its faithful one through and Herbert k?ern around the Pa?ontrolle and to have itself a watchful eye to ours have and property, which arouse the interest of a obviously increasing quantity from curious ones, and Burli schl? still its well-deserved sleep. Night probably sat at the l?sten to tax, w?end about I 918 miles India overslept. Clocks, primarily Rolex, to arise begins, more mu?er to be waked, there the friendship gifts, on several S?chen divided, under his sleeping bag are hidden our all astonishment by simply paying of a relatively Christian. The conference with the Health Officer. We are to wait first once eight hours for the physician, who us in detail to examine and the airplane disinfect does not have (after itself half Ahmedabad goes einschlie?ich the Gesundheitsbeh?e w?end the well visited inspection rounds of da?es however actually only around negotiating a vern?tigen price everyone without face loss accepts is unprepared and its new golden King Rolex (Singapore price 12 US dollar) has put on and fuchtelt so long before the face of the old habichts around, to it sufficiently. Now is it only a question of the quantity, which is to arrive at the distribution, and surcharge pers?ich, that against the mass of the Unterl?er nat?ich its rank stand out f?den boss accordingly mu? to we the proof of the k?erlichen and mental health. When the price is certain and is paid, the multi-functional tariff boss resists then however decided against further friendship proofs, with which we the dispatching of far to accelerate trachten. it so: "India existed for many thousand years and will exist still further many thousand years, therefore to have we time enough, everything with the required Gr?lichkeit too. Beside?rpr?n we our Verpflegungsvorr? and are content?r the Iststand. Obviously we planned well. Existence of alcoholic Getr?en we make ourselves concerns. Not um's too little geht's, but um's too much one played w?end the flight f?l?ere time the kutscher, was at any time ready everyone, the others abzul?n. Accordingly the beer camp was quite unber?t, the orange juice the special Umst?en however perhaps not ungef?lich. The far flight is to f?en us now into Arab, mohammedanische L?er, mitgef?ter alcohol k?te us is probably obvious there, the service-station attendants with its car with beer to the airplane appears numerous within minutes, like probably never before, and f?t, from the alcohol lively, with full pumpenleistung our tanks. A?rlaufender auxiliary tank gives to Vienna a?e Geruchsbel?igung. to us our two Gemeinschaftsschlafs?e was then unfortunately pulled, but who m? is, schl? also in the kerosene bath deeply and dreamless. in the hand now Herbert and nine o'clock rise in the morning - again to the tower are up and h?en still as because of fr?n the morning, which Herbert to the question veranla?, whether our flight plan from Calcutta actually arrived here, and like the new after Karachi. Uncertain ones, perhaps one did not understand the question. Form for flight plan is ausgef?t, careful after further everything will be, thinks the two. The CONTROLLER, which erz?t besides, it is already confessed against Pakistan in the field, and the Verh?nis with the neighbour is unver?ert badly, telephoned nevertheless without Z?rn of one of the numerous apparatuses with Karachi, then he accepts behaviourless the flight plan and discharges. Why it the two decoration university-formed Kapit? lie go so reluctantly? places itself little. In place of the release for starting the engines the CONTROLLER comes pers?ich run, again wildly gestikulierend. It h?e also still gladly so one wonderful Rolex, as its friends carry it, then k?e it us unverz?ich all. Laughing?rreiche I it one of the last copies - 20 St? we had erhandelt for the purpose of the V?erverst?igung in Singapore - and stands for our takeoff tats?lich. The planned flying time after Karachi/Pakistan betr? three hours, comparatively a cat jump. Flight however is - from Gewissensgr?en - the worst. The takeoff begins right after again the discussion around the beer and the bottle whisky, which we out visibly shrunk, betr? but still to the 50 doses. One means, he does not see a problem, because this quantity k?e. On the other hand immediately all different, which paint themselves, turn like Herbert than K?'n in the case of the getting becoming reliably the hand, a Fu?oder otherwise what chopped off w?e, or like one will seize the airplane, one as greyful as the other one. The majority is f?den way through. But 50 doses beer and a bottle whisky of f?vier persons (at least one - fast one agrees on Herbert, which responsible person Luftfahrzeugf?er - mu?ja n?tern remain), and which in three hours da?Herbert as the first the suggestion make everything, the charge in. Any means, there becomes before that. The Gem?r, harsh RTS idea slowly only calms down as only realistic ones is recognized. None can?rwinden itself and walk to the act?nen to Herbert the instruction to rear hatch to and the doses, the sp?ren intended purpose of the airplane appropriately, style-fairly "for setting off". Deeply to be best?t we a witness, like takes still another sip from the whiskyflasche, in order to bek?fen the arising?elkeit, then also them go?r to board, the shark fish to the refreshment and building. Free fall time disappears the precious property in the sea. The far flight is of bad tendency the pilot the work in the cloudless, but very hazy sky. On this gro?n, much we for the first time also a service receive operation seed airport like the Gro?n. No Bakschisch, a Atmosph? how in Central Europe, are showers offered us, whom we have after meanwhile two days on closest area already urgently n?g, not least the Landegeb however horrenden? from 700 US dollar (course at that time for instance?17, - - or DM 2.50) we give the flight plan up. The written reference "engine on before time 0900 Z" on our flight plan copy ("engine mu?laufen before 14 o'clock restaurant time", there otherwise also still Abstellgeb? ) does l become f?ig? us still more hurry than otherwise. With mourning in the heart, because it did not find humans f?n?g to scan or also only for it ask us for alcohol, we start briefly before 14 o'clock of Karachis runway 25 left into the milchigen sunshine of. The mainland of the Islamic Republic OF Pakistan is appropriate soon behind us, after some confusion with Luftstra?neinbahnen?r for the open sea follows we again the familiar route alpha 1, the few miles s?ich the K?e Pakistan and sp?r Iran in east west direction directly after Dubai f?t. remains rather exact always in range of vision, rarely f?t the flight?r narrow peninsulas, preferential locations of radio beacons, yellow and grey is also the prevailing colors. Only as the eyes to this landscape, identify we adjusted ourselves here and there human dwellings, yellow and grey like the environment, only at the straight-line shade. Also two W?enflugpl?e and a vehicle caravan. When we know, da?wir the border to (at that time) kriegsf?enden Iran?rfliegen now, l? not the smallest soil characteristic. The W?e is boundlessly is as friendly here and unpers?ich as every other ground station, only the English is substantially better accurate and gives constantly our position and peaceful intentions. After the first funkkontakt with Dubai approach control we f?en already nearly to house of English-speaking CONTROLLERS f?t ourselves us friendly and skillfully. Only ten minutes before the landing we?rfliegen again human settlements - first a luxury settlement with respectable mansions and enormous, light blue shining Swimmingpools, then again W?e, sp?r a Geviert, perhaps 2 x 2 km gro? from Stra?n chessboard-like put on. Only Stra?n and maximally three or four H?ern, as lost far from each other removes garden oasis at zuf?ig working Stra?necken, with swimming pool and gr?r. Here probably only a "summerhouse quarter" develops. W?e and then the Runway - Straight in Approach (direct approach). for park position the entire crew talks nonsense gutgelaunt, in. None wants to be able to be marked, da?unsere hearts in the trousers sit. Already when rolling for park position we receive an impression from the considerable Gr? the airport installations predominantly the upper and highest Gr?nkategorie bev?ern the Abstellpl?e. To that pink dwarf points one a place at the end of a long set of intercontinental giants rises up the B747-Jumbo of the sheikh von Dubai into the steel-blue. Soon soil vehicles of everyone surround us. Dubai Tower daf?gesorgt, da?auch the smallest stacker driver the arrival of a sayful pinken circus flier. Are astonished, laughter, interest and questions?r. Filling up is fast organized, as long as at the machine remain, w?end we others with slowly more fully becoming trousers and drawn in K?en to the AIS (Aeronautical information service, flight news service). We suspect, what expects us. In the flight consultation one is friendly and helpfully, sch?elt however regretting the K?e, when we fear for question speak whether the?erflugs and landing permission from Saudi Arabia and Syria already arrived. No, one did not hear anything dar?r us nevertheless at ATC, which air traffic board of control, directly to turn. That control-learn there l?n perhaps already information forwards, the f?die advisory board is not at all competent. We look for and find the radar board of control after repeated approach in the background of a building site and say again our Spr?lein ago. Irish or a Scot, who does service here, turns his undivided attention to us and h? our history with serious expression to answer, we do not on only k?en themselves it at its whole attitude read: No releases are also here forwards with us like the last visitor because of the patient bed of the hopeless case and donate themselves tr?liche words only then a trace, when it erf?t, da?wir all permission already once in the bag had - however f? We getelext still from Singapore the new dates with request for shift of the release times to Jeddah and Damascus, the?erreichischen Ambassador in Saudi Arabia in a sidelong telex for its assistance asked (which it us, again thank you, also. in Vienna the gekabelte glad message, one has it after intervention. in Jeddah best?gt, da?alle releases are not given), have all stopovers of our journey as points of writing down aufgef?t, anywhere however positive answer received nevertheless - already once, and at that time even problem-free, permitted?erfl? and landings should nevertheless probably a Pr?denzfall. Our ATC CONTROLLER promises us to manufacture the contacts - via internal wire, understands itself. Kind asks still for the sake of the Vollst?igkeit, whether we should not try the flight simply, over with the old release numbers. The expression of the regret yields the expression of pitiful Best?ung. of good conscience recommends, means our new friend, the Saudis are very sensitive and w?en themselves for safety's sake only. Even after departure of 50 % because of more mutma?icher?ertreibung the result remains seriously enough. Landing, seizure and arrest of the crew w? also. Where it nevertheless surely no beer in Arab. We modestly us thus for the time being with the reached one, r?en however already mentally f?die n?ste. If the ATC intervention should run unsuccessfully, then probably nothing different one would remain for us?ig, as if f?unbestimmte. What however so simply doesn't go, how we verw?te Mitteleurop? it used from at home. Dubai does not assign tourist visas, you can enter there only if you have to work in official order in the country, or if you were invited in writing by a B?er Dubais. To working w?s us here too hei? also invited. We are also not in the line flight, where f?Besatzungen special regulations apply, but are. At the agreed upon time we announce ourselves, all expecting, in addition, on everything gefa?, again. Hopes are soon smashed?ig remain ours. The request are raus, answers still none. Until also hardly h?e is tomorrow will leave Unkenrufe in this direction was us that clearly actually already before still another one hour sp?r on results to count da?jemand dared, and schlie?ich?r welfare or mischief in air traffic?r the test flight of an aircraft of a strange power, decides whose intended purpose ungewi?und its intentions are at least doubtful, in a permanent crisis region like the Arab area surely not Abdul Hinz or Achmed Kunz. At least two or three Ministries and probably the Streitkr?e become their consent too. Now we have the pieces of broken glass up, like the Viennese. Sleep volumes, trotten we to the Arrival entrance made of Paris landed, the waiting area fully with passengers, Handgep? and children, does all 150 or 200 men (and woman) quengelnden ready for the storm on the bazaars - ultramodern chains of stores inside the transit area, furnished ausschlie?ich f?Durchreisende, gold, jewels, photo gef?t - with electronics, clocks, film and video equipment - elevated preisklasse to hardly have even junk under 200 USS f?Europ? but one probably pays the El Dorado, a sanatorium of purchase rage, because in Europe. On close air-locks the transit stream is canalized, controlled on-board maps, the Gep? if Cards. together-tinkered, in plastics eingeschwei?en, looking official Identit?ausweise in the cheque card format analyzes the tip with the uniforms and the crew, on which the airline "Burli air" our important functions - Captain, roofridge and Second Officer, Chief Engineer, radio and navigation Officer - best?gt impressively?nen some T?und eliminate some doubt. Bobby carried for many years such a document of identification as Security Officer, before he became to dismiss the chaos into the well-deserved pension, strove the "NO entrance, except crews only" (entrance only more f?Besatzungsmitglieder) too, z?en our Ausweisk?chen, which give to recognize us as Angeh?ge of an airline, and?rrumpeln that mi?rauisch?enden Leintuch leintuch-Zerberus - without Dienstm?en and we see unvollst?ig shaved very boldly nevertheless probably out -, who without much Gegenwehr arises, and st?en the transit area as well as the first Paris Far East intermediate stoppers. Success we won however au?r time still nothing. We place ourselves the Einwanderungsbeh?e, erkl?n to the however-painted mark our situation. Switch with gro?n the windowpane and the small speech hole reminds not straight of visiting day in the Knast (from einschl?gen films gel?ig) and does not facilitate communication. One robs us for the time being once our P?e, hei? us all m?iche request and l? us then. Whether we already w?en, where we live w?en, rings out after one hour the intermediate question. None of us has to talk still correctly desire, I has about few drinking, no meal and vielem smoking - after two and a half abstinenten years I have in the nervenzerfetzenden Atmosph? taken up by Singapore the vice again - a terriblly pelzigen taste on the tongue, and the others geht's whether smokers or not, not much differently. Our uniforms become ever more unf?iger, more abgewohnter - nomen est omen -, Schwei?lecken pull inside poppigen samples, B?e sprie?n from the faltigen faces, we f?en. How in one - architecturally gro??g and expensively equipped - to station hall, do lie and do stand do humans each age sit and guarded by various origin of ring around us, strictly from b?igen, dunkelh?igen office holders in long, do barrier-end, reinwei?n to Gew?ern, gekr? remind with immaculately wei?n turbanen, without any badges of rank or other distinguishers, which up majest?sch and pace down or alternating the two Eing?e in the "genuine" Dubai block, here a Aufm?igen word and gesture-rich to the peace, there with stoischer peace to the word gush of a complaint their ear borrow. Zerm?ung, so against half two o'clock fr? one calls us. We receive our P?e - with which actually none counted - and a filter day transit visa. Under "name OF sponsor" stands for The Dubai internationally hotel registered (which will have to do surely nothing with free food and logis), and the sponsor guaranteed with stamp and signature, da?wir, the gesponserte party, the country within the G?igkeitsdauer of the visa also again to be left, upon failure of which it, the sponsor, paying f?jeden day Verz?rung 100 DHS P?le itself ready erkl?. we know, why it lasted so for a long time and to follow an anonymous wei?n shape to the exit Schr?trich. Schr?gegen?r the Flughafengeb?e, perhaps 150 meters far away, points an enormous warning indicator panel the entrance to dezent, the ebenerdigen or h?stens einst?igen luxury accommodation hidden behind B?en and shrub rows, to one the f? best hotels of the world, which one us obligatorily. Selbstverst?lich do not d?en we to Fu?gehen, the hotel taxi service w?e us all immediately. A genuine airline crew waits likewise for the feeder, has however no chance against us f? grimmig looking shrub pilots. We entern, without each H?ichkeit, the first minibus, which is offered, and verpesten with our Gestank the vehicle within. At the receipt erh? each of us two different Schl?el ausgeh?igt, probably one. Suiten are ger?ig and with all comfort are equipped, two each by Zwischent?n connected thereby substantially simplified with one another, set also nearly unmit>

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