March 13, 2008

Hotel kleopatra golden sun

Archive for the ' Dubrovnik (Ragusa) ' Category Ten things that must make Dubrovnik (1). Kne?ev visits dvor (ducale Palace), the building more important than Dubrovnik, the center of many years of the government of Dubrovnik and the place where once chancellors lived. Tests the fresh specialties made up of fish in the wine cellar Lokanda Peskarija, than are found near the sea and offer beautifulst seen on the old port of Dubrovnik. It takes acquaintance of the famous naval history of Dubrovnik, visits the naval Museum with the precious champions of the period of gold of the nautical one of Dubrovnik. During the stay to Dubrovnik, visits also Lopud, the beautifulr island of the Elafiti islands and enjoy the baths and sunning on the beach?unj. It feels the quiet ones of the Franciscan Monastero, visits the constructed medieval church in Romanesque-gotico style. Visits the Sponza Palace, famous also like Divona, the greatest multimediale system than Dubrovnik constructed in 1520. Visits Arboretum Trsteno, famous for its historical parks and the collection of the Mediterranean and exotic plants. It enjoys the green of the known park more than Dubrovnik Gradac, than for years it serves as the stage on the open and offers the inspiration to the numerous artists. The period of gold of the marine history of Dubrovnik (2) 16° the century was the period of gold of Dubrovnik (Ragusa). To the end of its splendor of 16° the century, the fleet of Dubrovnik had approximately 180 ships and the cargo ability of 700 000 hectoliters (equal to hundreds million wine bottles). The ships were, from smallest to largest: (literally ‘.freccia’.) - light, fast, often used as ship fleeting and from peach - Ship trades them fast for transport of the light cargo - Cargo ship with three trees, equipped with squaresails - Cargo ship with raised blanket, from prow to breast, with three trees - Cargo ship and from war, with three or four trees and tonnage more than 2000 hectoliters. The period of gold of the marine history of Dubrovnik (1) ‘.Ragusee of the majestic sails (...) rich wagons prevails them of the mare’. The word “.argosy”. - “.ragusa”. it derives directly from the word Ragusa (Dubrovnik). Initially it was used in order to describe carraca, the larger cargo ship of the ragusea origin. After it has indicated whichever similar ship, even if the ship was not ‘.la more fort and made with wood migliore’., like raguseo Nikola Sagroevic it has said. To the end of 16° the century, the larger ragusee were floating monoliths with four trees. They could carry 100 tons and they had 100 members of crew (captain, officials and sailors, and also fabbri, carpenters, gunboats, doctor and employee). Every ship had its carpenter's shop, forges, supply of the drinkable water, and also porcaio, conigliera, hen house with polli sufficient for all the crew. ‘.Se it succeeds to end travels only one or two, will reimburse all the moneies you invest yourself in essa’., was I compute. And some of these boats lasted for amazing thirty years... (will continue to putante...) You pass Passover in the pleasant atmosphere, with one rich paschal gastronomica offer. The package comprises 3 night's passings in double rooms, buffet rich to breakfast and supper, beginning of the anticipated stay (hours 10. The package comprises 3 night's passings in double rooms, buffet rich to breakfast, beginning of the anticipated stay (hours 10. 2008 - the year of Marin Drzic in the true sense of the invano word and the events that have taken to place in its beginning to Dubrovnik they confirm it. According to announcements, in all the year they wait for many events it dedicates you to us to the memory of the person and operates of this great rinascimentale writer of Dubrovnik and Croatia. From the past week we have chosen the events: - the first rappresentazione of "Skup" to the Theatre of Dubrovnik di Marin Drzic the first rappresentazione of commedia "the Skup" with which the Theatre of Dubrovnik renders homage to this great dramatist and poet. The prologo and epilogue are written from Luko Paljetak, the director and scripteriter is Zlatko Bourek, the costumista Dijana Kosec-Bourek, and Paula Drazic Zekic has composed music. In the rappresentazione the actors of the Theatre of Dubrovnik recite. - the announcement of the international symposium and the publication of the encyclopedia on Drzic in occasion of 500° anniversary of the its birth symposium of the international experts for rinascimento will take place in the Rettorale Palace in autumn in occasion of the 500° anniversary of the birth of Drzic. To the end of the year the encyclopedia on Marin Drzic will be introduced, on which 80 experts will work. The main publisher of the encyclopedia will be Slobodan Prosperov Novak, the optimal expert of the person and operates of Drzic, already mentioned on this blog. - the first vision of the documentary film on Marin Drzic "Or Tartars I give urote" the first vision of the film "Or Tartars I give urote - Marin Drzic" of the author and sceneggiatrice dr. Slavica Stojan, which it speaks about the historical time in which the Drzic wrote, of its virtual world and its modernity. The director is Vladimir Gojan, and the manufacturer Brigita Masle. On the flag of the Republic of Dubrovnik, that he was of color white man, there were the letters S and B that encircled the figure of Saint Biagio. For before it turns this flag is mentioned in the charter of year 1272. It remains cosi until the ruin of the Republic, when 29 January 1814 Austrian general Milutinovic has ordered to last prince Saba.ic to remove it from Bordering, than this has refused with the words: "I cannot, the people has raised it". In XVIII the century beyond to this there was also the flag that had the shield and registration LIBERTAS on three lines. Draft of the Festival of summer of Dubrovnik, festival of music and a theatre that is kept from year 1950. LIBERTAS therefore continues living, through the idea of the human and artistic freedom that diffuses every summer for the ways and public squares of Dubrovnik. "Those who seek paradise on Earth should like to Dubrovnik and see Dubrovnik". "Those that try to find the paradise on the Earth must come to Dubrovnik and see Dubrovnik". On the blog of Valamar in the category of we have already published a series of the witnesses on our destination that is more to the south. Therefore we recommend Them to leaf through the archives if she wants to discover more of the specificities of the city. 500 years of Marin Drzic (Marine Darsa) Are pass 500 to you of Marin Drzic to Dubrovnik (Ragusa from birth). Except writing, it was active in the numerous social areas and has caused many contradictions in its time. Between the other he was priest, university chancellor, political activist, in short, the man with the interesting biography from which we extracted chronological some interesting events. We must mention un’.altra time that is the 500° anniversary of this great writer, and year 2008 has been proclamato the year of Marin Drzic. 1508 Marin Drzic, after called Vidra (Otter), nacque to Dubrovnik in the popular family. The same family in the previous generation said writer Dzore Drzic. 1541 In the Tuscany city of Siena Marin Drzic are chosen for the function of the university chancellor. the 1542 police of Siena leads l’.indagine on one rappresentazione in the private house. Also Drzic, the chancellor, participates in the rappresentazione, reciting the role of the lover. The participants are punished seriously, but the government is not strict to Drzic for its social position. the 1545 return to Dubrovnik and the encounter with conte the Austrian Regendorf. 1546 Of new one to Dubrovnik after the political disputes with some inhabitants of Dubrovnik to Costantinopoli. "the Pomet company" represents commedia the Pomet that is lost. 1549 C’.è the first rappresentazione of the pastorale drama Tirena, the contemporaries and the citizens attack Drzic and they accuse it for the plagio. Drzic is defended, and also the others defend it, between which the and also writer of care Mavro Vretanovic. 1550 Novela or Stanca (Farce with Stanac) is represented the 1551 commedia in prosa Dundo Maroje (Uncle Maroje) is written the 1553 commedie Mande and Arkulin 1562 Marin Drzic is represented the 1558 government is opposed alla rappresentazione della commedia Hekuba leaves Dubrovnik and receives the position del chaplain del veneziano bishop to Venice, where its Vlaho brother lived. 1567 Drzic dies to Venice, buried in tomba common of the Basilica of Saint Giovanni and Paul. 667 the anonymous cosmografo of Ravenna annotates the name of the city in its Latin shape Ragusa Ragusium. It has annotated “.Epitaurum id east Ragusium”. (Epidaurum is today Ragusa"). Living omonimo had existed gia from before. VII-IX Dubrovnik century dominates on the territory of wraps coastal that calls Astarea. Towards 850 one strongly storm with the gusts of sea and wind has damaged Dubrovnik. 866 - 867 the Saraceni attack Dubrovnik from the part of sea. The city sopporta l’.assedio of some months. L’.imperatore bizantino Bazilio sends them of the ships in aid. 869 the Ragusei with the own ships transport the Croatian troops that participate to the Barium liberation from the Saraceni. 972 the Ragusei take Saint protecting Biagio like their celestial one. They affect its figure on the stamp and the money. They are begun to chisel the numerous statues of Saint Biagio, and the figure of the saint is woven in the flag of the city. Towards 992 l’.imperatore of Samuilo Macedonian ignites and plunders Dubrovnik. X-XI century the inhabitants of Dubrovnik cover the marine channel that separated l’.isoletta lived of Washes from the earth. The first masonry of the city begins. 1000 the Ragusei have recognized the power of doge veneziano Peter II Orseolo. 1018 Dubrovnik is of new under the sovereignty of Bisanzio. 1022 L’.isola di Lokrum has been given the Benedictines, the document of that donation is the first written document of ragusea origin. The famous citizens of Dubrovnik (2): Ruder Boskovic. 1711 In the family of Pava Bettera and Nikola Boskovic are been born the Ruder son. After the end of the elementary instruction, the brother greater Card-sharper door the Ruder young person to college of the Jesuits to Rome. 1736 Appaiono first deals to you scientific of Boskovic from the area of astronomy, mathematics and physics. These studies immediately attract attention to the young author who in this time already makes lessons the inferior schools of the Jesuits. 1740 Boskovic becomes the university professor of mathematics to the roman College. 1742 the searches of the fissures on the church of Saint Peter are delivered to It to Rome. the 1745 its works "De Viribus vivis" and "De Continuitatis lege" are published. 1747 Boskovic is to Dubrovnik and this is its last stay in the native city. From this time the letters to the sister, brother and government will be its only connection with the City. 1755 With the public Maire "De Litteraria expeditione". 1757 Boskovic leaves the place of the university professor the roman College. It goes to Vienna where Theory of the natural philosophy works on the work of life "Teorija prirodne filozofije" (). 1758 "theoria Philospphiae naturalis" exits in first edition to Vienna. the 1759 travel of Boskovic in France and the beginning of the intensive diplomatic activity. The arrival to London, poema the scientific "De Solis ac Lunae defectibus" is published. 1761 Boskovic becomes the member of Royal Society of London. For order of this powerful scientific society it goes to Costantinopoli in order to observe the passage of Venera in front of the Sun. The preparation of the work begins on the scientific travels. the 1763 return in Italy and l’.elezione for the university professor of the mathematical sull’.università of Pavia. the 1770 To Milan astronomy and optical chair is founded for Boskovic, and it participates also in the foundation of the astronomical observatory to Brera. 1773 For the conflict on the management of the astronomical observatory Boskovic leave Brera and Milan and is moved to Paris where it works in circle of the enciclopedisti. The laborious works have left the trace its nerves. It is withdrawn to Bassano where Work pertinentia to opticam ET works to the manuscript "astronomiam" until the autodistruction. This book exits in five volumes to Bassano in 1785. Maria Padovana is buried to the church of the saint. The famous citizens of Dubrovnik: Ivan Gundulic. Here it is its short biography, from the book "Volite them Dubrovnik.") of the famous historian of literature Slobodan Prosperov Novak.ica, it is been born to Dubrovnik, in one noble much old one and distinguished family. the 1622 poema of Gundulic Suze sina razmetnoga it is printed publication. 1623 Gundulic testifies in preface of Pjesni pokorni that it has begun translate the poema epico of freed Gerusalemme Rate, but this translation of Rate has not been never come true. the 1628 pastorale drama Dubravka is represented to Dubrovnik. the 1633 friends and admirers of Gundulic print Arijadna to Ancona. Dubrovnik, pearl of the Mediterranean (2): Sponza Palace. It was constructed in year 1520 and like then mostly it had the function of customs, was called Divona. In the ground floor there were the offices for the appraisal, the warehouses and the mint and to the Association of Bologna know it of the reunions and the literary academies to it. Before that ragusei masters Pasko Mili. In that period a group of the ragusei poets deep "the Academy of Concordi" that was the first institution of the literary life in this zone. In the within of the academy the numerous ragusei poets operated, writers and philosophers (Marin Kaboga, Miho Monaldi, Sabo Bobaljevi. Today in Sponza there is one of the cultural institutions more important than Dubrovnik, draft of the Archives of State, that it has been transferred in totality in this place. The independent document more ancient than this archives is of origin of year 1022 and from year 1278 the archives books are kept in which the documents and the actions are recorded regularly. We invite to you on the festivity of New Year's Day to Dubrovnik (Ragusa) is kept on the open spaces of the village alberghiero.o and Tirena that find in the immediate vicinity of the Public square of Fontana and Public square of Marin Dr?i. Care the sistemazione, is still least places to disposition in the Tirena hotel, therefore all those who would want to reserve the room and the supper would have to hurry. Sistemazione: Tirena hotel *** - night's passing for one person in room singola/doppia, rich buffet the collation collation and supper, except the supper of 31 December 2007. The great festivity of New Year's Day 2008: 50 EUR to person in the restaurant of the Tirena hotel, the rich supper buffet, divertimento with the group Doll. The details of the offer you can see here. The autumnal program - winter of the raguseo theatre of Marin Drzic. The program is, like sees, enough varied, esibiranno the best companies artistic - cultural, artistic choral and complex groups. - KLAPA LAPAD, RENESANSNA UDRUGA RAGVSEVM, Gitara: ANTUN TOTO RILOVIC, Mandolina: BORIS BLA?KOVIC. - DUBROVACKI KOMORNI TRIO, FOLKLORNI ANSAMBL LINÐO, PUCKI PJEVACI. - KLAPA RAGACA, KVARTET SORKOCEVIC, KUD?UTOPAS VISOCANI - SMOKOVLJANI. - KLAPA RAGUSAVECCHIA?ENSKA KLAPA CAVTAJKE, KLAPA O?TRO. - MJE?OVITA KLAPA MARETA, KLAPA OTOK, NORTH-WEST WINDS, SUBRENUM. - LIMENA GLAZBA ZATON, DUBROVACKI PUHACKI TRIO, PLESNI STUDY LAZARETI.A LINÐO?ENSKA KLAPA FOLKLORNOG ANSAMBLA LINÐO, JAZZ BASS BAND. - RENESANSNA UDRUGA RAGVSEVM, DUBROVACKI PUHACKI TRIO, PUCKI PJEVACI. - UG MUZICKIH PEDAGOGA U FEDERACIJI BOSNE the HERCEGOVINE. - MJE?OVITA KLAPA MARETA, KVARTET SORKOCEVIC, KULTURNA UDRUGA LINÐO O?LJE STUPA. - LIMENA GLAZBA ZATON, PLESNI STUDY LABIRIUS?ENSKA KLAPA FORTUNE. - MJE?OVITI ZBOR LIBERTAS, LIMENA GLAZBA STON, ANSAMBL VIOLINA UMJETNICKE?KOLE LUKE SORKOCEVIC. Underwater adventure to Dubrovnik (Ragusa) - 3 days We are already in the second half of the October month, in which we have prepared new offering. Today we have for you one surprised, that it regards. The first underwater destination is Kolocep and the blue cove - abyss, with immersions between 5 and i 30 m of depth. According to day the continuous adventure with the immersion and the exploration of the ship submergeeed "Taranto", sunk in 1943 during Second world war (23-52 m of depth). The third day situated submarine is destined to the visit of an interesting other - the cove Palace (30 m). It is possible to directly execute the reservation on the page web of, while the offer remains valid until the 31/10. Collection of cult of imperial eggs of Fabergé has provoked a general commotion to Dubrovnik (Ragusa) Videosorveglianza, sensors of movement, persons heavy armed in divisa…. or, in short, - a general commotion. Cosi in short the scenes could be described that 10 days ago could living on the roads of the usually calm one, colorful Mediterranean city of Dubrovnik. The reason for all this has been the putting in scene of what at the moment more beloved is the extension d’.Europa. The Russian multimiliardario Viktor Vekselberg to Dubrovnik exhibits one hundred of objects of its collection. Between the objects they detach nine imperial eggs of Passover. The exact value of the exposed objects is not famous, but the figure of which off board it is spoken piles around to 150 million dollars. As much average already announced, draft of the more important extension of the jewelry shop put in scene in Europe. 42 been born imperial eggs in the jewelry shop of Fabergé. Beyond to the artistic value financial and of the collection, its historical value is absolutely a lot interesting also, like also the context in which it has been created. “.Questa extension never has not been put in scene in the writing like to Dubrovnik. Therefore, in a sure way, Vekselberg has decided to give the extension to the ragusei, for which it has been rendered possible also l’.ingresso free to the extension. All those that they want have still a month in order to set off towards the Croatia and Dubrovnik and to see in person the famous collection of Fabergé. In order more information on the culture, tourism and lodging to Dubrovnik to see. The gioelli of Fabergé liberations arrive to Dubrovnik (Ragusa) For Ragusa can say that city of the better events in the cultural and artistic within is distinguished as one. In last the three months we have already announced and made signal in the blog of the many events of world-wide capacity that were carried out in the city. In the ragusei museums the preparations for this great extension of the objects produced in the famous jewelry shop of Peter Carl Fabergé are being lead to aim. For this occasion the director of this foundation Roman Thaker has arrived to Ragusa and with its collaborators he participates to the preparation of the organization of the extension. The extension has provoked a great interest of the cultural public, like in Croatia therefore outside of its frontiers, and is waited for with eagerness. Famous: All those who are interested to the stay to Ragusa in period of the duration of the extension, can here see the offered ones of. Ten things that must make Dubrovnik (1) 10 things to try during the stay on the island of Krk (Waking) Valamar video channel on the Youtube the period of gold of the marine history of Dubrovnik (2) the period of gold of the marine history of Dubrovnik (1) Valamar Resort Moon - familiar tourist village with new appearance Michael Palin’.s New Europe - Croatia Video.

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