March 2, 2008
Pictures Of Warts In Throat
Rare cancers of the throat related to the fellatio - TOF TOF A DONF. Geographical situation: NOVELS ON ISERE (26):.: My jobs: saxophonist & teacher in schools of music. Herbal Elements or how to wash the hair and to enjoy. NEW WEAPON: a hood (a condom, condom), a rubber band, a paperboard of roller paper WC and a ball. Max Boublil song "As you will take". Rare cancers of the throat related to the fellatio. Rare cancers of the throat related to the fellatio. An American study shows that certain cancerous tumours of the throat are caused by papillomavirus. The risks increase clearly for the people having bucco-genital sexual intercourse. The human papillomavirus, persons in charge for the majority of uterine cancers, are also related to certain cancerous tumours of the throat. The risk that these tumours develop would increase clearly for the people having bucco-genital sexual intercourse (fellatio and cunnilingus), according to a study published in constituting it the principal factor of risk of certain rather rare types of cancer of the throat, concluded from the researchers of the Faculty of Medicine of the university Johns Hopkins (Maryland). with papillomavirus will probably not develop a cancer of the throat ", explains Dr. Maura Gillison, epidemiologist and principal author of this research. Its study related to 86 men and 14 women who had been just diagnosed of a cancer of the oropharynx and which was already infected by papillomavirus. They had 32 times more risks. This research also shows that the fact of smoking or of drinking alcohol did not increase the risks of cancer of the throat at those having an infection of. "In fact well the virus causes cancer". The first vaccine counters the cancer of the cervix, marketed since 2006, is effective with nearly 100% against the types of papillomavirus responsible for the majority of the cancerous tumours. Gardasil (Merck/Sanofi Pasteur MSD) was tested on more than 12.000 young women from 15 to 26 years, not-infected by these papillomavirus, in ten hospital complexes in. Half of the group was vaccinated, other half received a placebo. "is effective to 98% and without danger as the scarcity of the cases of severe side effects shows it", according to Dr. Kevin Ault, professor of gynaecology in Atlanta, which contributed to the development of the vaccine and the study published in. The test showed that the vaccine was nearly 100% effective against types 16 and 18 of papillomavirus, persons in charge for 70% of uterine cancers. It was also effective against the types 6 and 11 which cause 90% of the warts of the anus and the genitals. GOOD A The READING OF THIS ARTICLE I PUT ALSO The COMMENTS To YOU OF THIS ADMIRABLE ARTICLE. Ouais, that smells the propaganda of the American Christian right-hand side good all that. There are really only the men not to believe in this horrible diagnosis. I wants to live to live, and not to live not to die, leaves to die about it. Only the fellatio is quoted in the comments but the cunnilingus is also aimed I point out it. For as much one should not stop these practices, our lives too would be. Which damage besides that Sophie does not practise the fellatio, I lime pits sincerely his husband. Also let us not forget to give up the car which endangers much more our life and that of our family or friends (without speaking about the future of planet). Renonçons with the plane, let us renonçons at the city because of its polluted air. Renonçons with any sugar because of the risks of cancer of the increased pancreases, let us cease eating all puffs out industrial full with chemicals. Let us avoid the hospital and its infections nosocomiales. Ah yes, also let us prevent rolling itself of the shovels because there is always a risk, if other A of blood in the mouth and us a wound, well. Let us not forget to give up the hairdresser, because all do not disinfect their instruments and one does not know who passed front. After the circumcision which would avoid the AIDS here is that the keep silent fellatio. Knowledge better would be done how much children respiratory difficulties because of pollution have or of décés are due to medical errors and to leave us free our sexual choices Enfin good the sample of 100 supposed people represented the population, one does better like sample. To have worked near an eminent specialist in Papillomavirus in France this study does not surprise me. This fact has been known for several years with regard to cancers of the throat but also certain cancers of the rectum. There already were studies published on this subject and in particular by researchers working with Nancy.Par elsewhere to answer "actions. However it is not refunded yet but will be it certainly in the future taking into account the stake (eradication of the cancer of the collar of the utérus)Il has much to say and inform on this subject and unfortunately information is not sufficiently disseminated. It is necessary at all costs to avoid spreading it It would be catastrophic for our quality of life which the women decide to apply a principle of precaution following this. Hubert, I do not know myself but J likes your humour. I am a woman and I DO NOT PRACTISE the FELLATIO with déséspoir of my husband but it is not to better practise this kind D experiment if we must then be sick, but this advertisement and discovered goes surely déclancher polimique. I put myself a question the condom is it a preventive means with this type of cancers the love becomes a high-risk pleasure How to let itself detect and know if one is carrying the papilloma virus (by prévelèment. Déja that C not always easy to be made make a fellatio, if in more Ca gives cancer one did not leave well. The pipe keep silent as much as the cigarette. This study seems to me rather light, the sample of people testees is not representatif from the statistical point of view. For this article of quality, expenses and full with humour:D But good, at least like that, one is warned. Y has to you it a means of making so that my wife does not read this article this article should not give fear when same. HELLO HERE OF THE VARIOUS VIDEOS & VARIEES.
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