March 9, 2008
Pre pay legal
. Beginning at October a study of the WI at the north academy. Someone can say to me, what will expect me. Hui many questions, hopes gets good resonance. N little stands already in this Thread. more?er the WI course of studies I cannot say much, because I am BWLer (straight 7. brought behind me) and also still diploma student. You will make the Bachelor course of studies, where also concerning however one must say it that the study is also not whole without. I wei?von in such a way unite WInfos, which?rnachtet already times 2-3 days with sleeping bag in the EDP R?en, around its term work completely to wars. That is stop the disadvantage that we push that through in quasi 10 weeks, which "normal" Studis makes in 4-5 months. Weekly hour number is accordingly high nat?ich. But as said, everything not as wildly as many always say. Which concerns the contact under the Studis, one cannot say so overall. H?t always of your Zenturie, your class, and above all also from you off. Spa?macht the study in any case, straight also by the binary aspect, which then always ensures f?Abwechslung. In the final result in addition, nat?ich again with you leave you simply?rraschen lie.) Already becomes you Spa?machen. Does Gr love? and if there are still questions, always raus with it. The saying is "celebrations learns, celebrations celebrates".). Is correct naja, have me not completely so well of it remind k?en. Thanks you on case of each f?die ausf?liche view [ email contact can?r mean nod make, if you want the not ver?entlichen, what I understand can ]. In my enterprise one must build already quite muck, over does not?rnommen to become those to be for so much money into us, there w? it also sch?bl?, to let go us to it. Do not understand honestly said the enterprises to the NAK, those its Studis not?rnehmen. better on the enterprise co-ordinated Studis externally probably hardly become about wars. However I play n little of it still with the thought to attain a doctorate h?t off which is ordered f?eine entrance position to me and/or study BWL and has the straight first term "behind me brought". I can only say that it really considerable Spa?macht, and one by the practice phases in some places immediately connections manufacture can. Example: Our BWL Prof had us in the 1. Term very much?r interhuman relations and/or psychology in companies erz?t, where some Studis asked themselves "why make that that. There is factors no other "more normally" student notices, wants hei?n you learns also between the lines to read, should with the WIs be however more h?er. The Austattung of the university is top and one learns Profs from versch. there are M?ichkeiten to also always discuss and after-hook). Qualify you know Zus?lich you by various language offers (z. had English, Spanish, Chinese) and the seminar nature on weekend. ?ernahme stands with me as "option clause" in the contract, it lies thus with me finally (is however z. H?e that sometimes there are unrests between the different ranges, and/or wi understands itself only with wi's etc. hopes that it will not like that be. With me the?ernahme is closed in the contract, however it stands wie's?ich is that it is legally not in complainable. I find impudent, if one will not?rnommen from gr?en concerned and then the studiengeb?en to zur?zahlen is must it also ne obligation sign that wenn's does not fold it the past zur?zahlen m?t. thus the R?zahlungsklauseln are so far I wei?in actually each north academy contract. The enterprises can understand there in addition. Those invest not in vain into you, but want also which from it to win. But I do not know contract, where one must zur?zahlen the Geb?en, because one will not?rnommen. But there are often even there enterprises, which agree then much g?g with the Studis. With me in the enterprise one broke it off after 6 Sem. and that probably then without R?zahlung pull to have let. However my enterprise can also afford. With smaller sees vll. which "unrests" between the ranges concerns, is not that everything are not so seriously meant actually then simply only crazy). However one must say that the Profs somehow always heats that up a little. Which the Schei?soll, have I ever not understood. Oh, that is only Spa? if someone means, its study is more heavily he evenly vll. the wrong gew?t (without appropriate gift). There one is in a basic discussion, because everyone should make simply that, what it also SPa?macht., there also all art meant are easy, I found da?Mathe easy.) The Profs makes also only from Spa? If an appropriate place vakant -- are "free" you can go and which new look for if no more support on enterprise -- either Gl? and they let go you or you must zur?zahlen if you a better offer to be present have -- simply times to calculate (possibly it is worth to change themselves despite R?zahlung or submit and with it dar?r speak it for your employer). to study in the n?sten year with you BWL. Many to ask were here already answered to me. Want times h?n like it with the sport offer with you looks. _ in the Ranking the "time" since it?rall top, au?r even in sport. And as it is in Elmshorn like that with Nachleben etc.. Are there much loosely f?junge people. Thus there is so-called sport at the NAK paper, those occasionally times basketball tournaments etc.. Next door also the gymnasium is any school, f?die we resounding times has the Campus has n basketball field that also as Volleyball field can be used at the same time. Sport offer in the sense from courses or crews is quasi non existent. Elmshorn has 3 or 4 "Dorf" discotheques and is in my opinion a boring Kaff. ?r that Hamburg night lives does not have one much to say: Better geht's not). And?ersen is believes I a correct Kaff. As the wirtschaftsakademie is Hamburg like that. W?e me of the location at least better please. But those is surely not as good as the north academy or. Gegen?r Uetersen w?e I Elmshorn then also prefer. Problems with a weiterf?enden study make. The situation is better nat?ich around some than of the NAK. Otherwise there is also still the HSBA, there gives it then also nen Bachelor. Ups I thought the w? the same hehe. Already very much?r the HSBA read. That is correctly internationally aligned. Gef?t me really very well. M?te still Toefl make over to become there?rhaupt certified, but that should not represent a problem. Thus the HSBA gef?t me really well. Power however one quite ellit?n impression. To the HSBA only on English one informs. I speak good Schulenglish and have also English process card, but I introduce myself already quite fastidiously. WA and HSBA divide the same Campus so far I wei? is however otherwise more or less unabh?ig from each other already recognizes one by the Studieng?en. If I those the lecturer list look at myself (z. on the homepage stands to it for nothing anyhow. Which it does not mean that the party was bad.) Which I both of the HSBA and also of the WA go? it has is that both good universities and/or academies are and dual system has according to my opinion always an advantage gg?Nat?ich is it more geiler in Hamburg to study and work, then one has the travel time not in purchase to take au?rdem must you every two years repeat, if you z. times abroad, since he is g?ig only so long. I must unfortunately still mark one. I apply also only f?2007. 12 and I have already ne company, me to possibly have wants and I w? then also first for the that of those w?e make binary. But is on the HSBA now everything on English. No on the HSBA is not everything on English, no panic. But it is to come the IBA (international Businesses admin) very?lich. They want to try at least 25% of instruction in English to give, but if none examines there, then they continue to help to you probably also into German. You are evenly internationally gepr? become. That is apart from the accreditation and the Bachelor conclusion the gr?e Untershied to the WAH at that time. The disadvantage with the HSBA is that you usually 40-60. in the month to carry are. At the companies of the NAK the entire Studiengeb becomes? ?rnommen. The best Ausbildungsgeh?er of target probably with the HASPA, to Reemtsma, Euler Hermes and still few others give. You must however always remember that you do not only study, to work go, but also makes kaufm?ische training still at the same time. Therefore also the Ausbildungsgeh?er comes, if you make thus only the binary and in the first sem over 600th kriegst kannste genuinly contently its. With that, I legend times (study, training, job) study is usually 650-750. "trialen" appropriate. But it gives no exact Ranking daf? usually you are classified bissl h?r, as the "normal" apprentices. Thank there does you me very much helped the h? genuinly super an.1 an average of 1,36 and imagines also that I can think myself capable of. The straight Bachelor is genuinly very very important to me. Today times that was times looked at in?ersen and me. One is that a nest. Thus I w?e already gladly in rear spar live. Which means it like for a long time needs I then everyone from rear spar with the Essbahn + after bus to?ersen tomorrow. Arrive drauf, does where exactly you live then in rear spar and where exactly you must in Uetersen (does not become?igens not with?geschrieben. only thereby you with yours vll. from Altona to Uetersen are it approx. ungef? so for a long time one needs to gro?geworden and hold with rapid-transit railway and Fu?eg also from Altona to the north academy the w?e you the morning way again over approx. however is I there that exactly the same f?ein Kaff such as Elmshorn. Live in rear spar is there nevertheless around some more pleasant. Ausbildungsgeh?er in the NAK enterprises do not vary extremely, there some after tariff pay and some. Philips is to pay rather badly. The publishing houses pay well (and usually after tariff) and the h?sten Ausbildungsgeh?er pays the industrial enterprises (airbus, Exxon etc..) However w?e I that as basis f?eine firm choice do not take, but is interested rather, wof?man in most. 50 EUR more in the month use an also nothing, if one no Spa?hat. HP: At some companies to the NAK know you besides also still the "kaufm?ischen" Pr?ngen at the Chamber of Commerce placing (publishing house buyer, industrial trader study at the north academy, me also with the HSBA/WA applied. I wanted however more liber to NAK, since she is very well climbed and the HSBA stop comes along "freshly". My following Ausf?ungen is not umbedingt badly meant like erw?t above better apprentice Geh?er. I am gladly which I to the NAK landed, which pure coincidence was. I spent ers the 3 months in the personnel department and those me (both studied to the WA) the following erz?t:. The organisational structure of the HSBA is identical to the WA. If it is to be good after au?n, is hei?n mad Logo and one is stop "internationally", wars also:). Mutma?ngen, but it is not wrongly also times which from the view undertakes too h?n. It remains to the Gl? each?rlassen, both systems are case of up each well. As 600 euro are Einstiegsverg?ng comparatively einzusch?en. (economical informatics) of it river, mobile phone, Tel, DSL remains not much?ig unfortunately after departure by rent. And as high actually is the Studiengeb?en, which?rnimmt the enterprise. That has me a good?erblick given thanks. How said m?te I live in Hamburg and times where one wants to ask as a student einigerma?n well live there can. Best w?ja, where other students also live and are not it too expensive. I did not m?te evenly also in the Hamburg Ghetto do not live however in some quarters is payable ne 2 rooms dwelling also genuinly. K?t times say, into which quarters one pulls k?te and on which cost of renting one counts m?te. M?te in rear spar of Ausbildungsverg?ng + child benefit live k?en + the travel costses after Uetersen. Naja you must always remember that 600. usually gross is and then still additional expenses line up however you get still to child benefit and if that is not sufficient rent subsidy, or you request hartz4 or your parents unterst?en you. The Geb?en amounts to per term approx.. 3000. to the NAK, tr? the enterprise, with the HSBA sinds I believe 340. per month and 40. pay the student. Travel costses you can also request, f?s first half year of the labour office many enterprises however only offer hvv abo, there also bezahst you usually 25. in the month and can drive to au?rhalb from Hamburg. Tja and if one lives in rear spar as a student, then internal comes usually at the g?tigsten, because the warm prices are inclusive thus, if you take everything off and can you tighten with gl? on 300-500., depending upon content, travel costses, etc. come. And that is f? student nevertheless super. 530 EUR net had (pay no church tax, saves already times * g). Au?rdem pays me my enterprise B?er in the value of approx.. H?t however - as said - always from the enterprises. Some?rnehmen also nothing at all. Reeperbahn and Nebenstra?n (to time also still g?tig, daf?muss one with dirty Eing?en and z. much L? clear-come), Protugiesenviertel (relatively close at Reeperbahn and town center the area around the Michel (a church tower) in rear spar), Ottensen, and on the other side of the Alster Barmbek. Prices are so warm with 400 to 500 EUR in the areas f?ne 2-Zimmer dwelling. Varies nat?ich with the Gr? the rooms and which of the areas it now is exact. WG can be more pleasant there already around some, which concerns the price and on the side of the student council university rear spar gave it also somehow n housing market. Do not have the left straight. In Hamburg in any case avoid w?e I - even if it is cheaper - Wilhemsburg, again Wiedenthal, Steilshoop, Osdorfer fount that are so the areas, in which one has at night (and also tags?r) rather times problems k?te wg. hopes helps a little). NAK is better than HSBA, is fact. Study even to the HSBA, are contently however think that the NAK is still better. To living: Barmbek, Altona or Eimsb?el, there good Anbindun after Elmshorn. Otherwise is that also times erw?t the NAK a Studiwohnheim has, in that every 2 weeks the Schei? from the pipes zur?kommt and straight the also not is cheap. Sch?n thanks f?die many Insidertipps. But still times to living in Elmshorn. the hostel is not like that doll, but it gives in NAK n? to find very many dwellings, from term to term always from WG to WG to be passed on somewhat difficultly there the co-inhabitants, because one knows still nobody, but should be then already easier sp?r as said, if one wants to really live in Elmshorn.) HP: Elmshorn is not so bad, but f?nen Hamburg verw?ten. As I must also first times to be seen said whether me the enterprise in the north academy or in the HSBA want. I am because of situation and Internationalit?eher f?die HSBA and then become I also in rear spar wohen. If I really study in the north academy, then w? to live nonsense in rear spar, since Uetersen and Elsmhorn lie exactly next to each other. With the WG life wei?ich also nich so quite. W?e gladly with people in ner WG live, those on my Wellenl?e are etc.. Vielleciht is to be lived it there better only alone and if one became acquainted with people then ne WG to gr?en or so. Goes probably also differently if one the people from where looks at itself and so. Naja have evenly still no WG experience). Which Betribe I can recommend is: The numbers well and have super criticisms. Thus completely honestly: If you select enterprises oh for Azubigeh?ern, keep f?absolut naive I. The industry should please one, and vll. somewhat trend-setting (everyone must know f?sich) to au?rdem along-itself-bring. Gro?r a name seems zun?st madly, guaranteed however does not umbedingt very good practice training. I do not see these enterprises above under the best. Nat?ich, that financial aspect should not one in addition, forget, there this also one gro? Role plays. Companies has I experiences make k?en and were inspired to the Gro?eil, therefore I know these enterprises only praising. And that you gro?sind, does not have to be always qualit?mindernd. I was also at more ner small company, which wanted to pay genuinly well, however I did not wohlgef?t myself there. Companies wars me then also banana whether 700 or 600. get. The striking FR thing is that one clear-comes with the colleagues and superiors. I have mean enterprise found and it am also gro?s an enterprise and the team am genuinly super. It is honestly said no matter to me, with which enterprise I anf?e, me wars importantly that the whole surrounding field is correct. That should take itself everyone to hearts. One should fade out the financial aspect actually completely, if one does not gnaw straight at hunger death. High training content hei? n?ich on the one hand not equal high entrance content in the company and on the other hand should here really the industry decisive its condemned well, uses one in addition, nothing, if one does not want into the industry and if one pays attention then nevertheless only to the financial, should one not wg. the training content inquire, but vll. also times because of B?ergeld, Verm?nswirksamen achievements etc. with low training content must pl?lich substantially more moneys?ig than someone with more hohem.).oder you with the HASPA starting from the 2ten practical training year thickly taxes zahlen.und the child benefit not forgotten:D I sees north academy (un the associated practice phase) as orientation. W?e already an enterprise ausw?en in which I view of the central organs (Accounting, Perso, Controlling, purchase/sales, marketing etc. whereby you should zur?kriegen the taxes actually completely, if you do not employ yourself completely stupidly. Which concerns the child benefit, I am surprised again and again, why so few create it, under the border to come * g is I now in 8. Term and war still which - despite good training content). I read that with the partner enterprises of the HSBA also Sony is. The enterprise is interesting f?mich, but those have nevertheless in rear spar no seat or. There does "Sony service Centre Europe N. h stand? itself after the customer/repair service f?VAIO on. Sony does not have anything in Hamburg so far I wei? W?e with interest simply times with the HSBA call. H? everything badly on, does not know itself someone the vocational academy Weser mountain country in Hameln/Lower Saxony. An offer of the Commerzbank has to make the Bachelor in BWL there. Surely not badly, me w? the BA training nevertheless too particularly. BA CoBa is now really rather specific to banks, which I do not find as well as to the NAK naja w?e I do not say, you makes a completely normal "Bachelor OF kind in management economics" and has as field stop bank instead of industry. Where is thus gro? Difference to the and then is answered the question.) Why BA CoBa should be worse now than NAK, I do not understand straight as NAKler now in addition, somehow. To the NAK are represented nevertheless also banks. A "conclusion" with a "university" to compare does not seem to me somehow also so meaningfully. BA in Hameln (acquaintance is Coba): BWL aligned to bank is thus not ABWL as at NAK (it no field gives. Bachelor OF kind to the BA, at the NAK Bachelor OF Science (as many to scientific working on Fhs) Ergo: It is easier to change (branchen?rgreifend) if you 100% bank to anyway make wants, is all the same it. The MBA course of studies (occupation-accompanying) is also very well and even (one hardly believes it)?r Germany outside admits. Know many MBAs those from Poland or the USA come. I w?e do not say it is simply a very round thing, there gives it a doubt. Alone it in Germany soetwas like a "scholarship" is, speaks f?sich. The Bekanntheitsgrad is?r Northern Germany outside genuinly verbesserungsw?ig (like it seems here). Wants to the north academy, you can give me someone concrete examples f?Softskill trainings. Those should be the best at the academy. to the seminars l? the following say themselves: - all topics of career planning?r Business Knigge, Investments, schlagfertigkeit, etc. after W?chen is erf?t and one can everything anheuern languages also in groups of 10-12 people - network by the Frimen: You know automatically people of airbus, Telekom, PWC, KPMG, Exxon etc.. That can sp?r be very helpful, wants hei?n you has a network the all other Studis in Germany in vain look for if questions openly simply to write:). Whereby this network comes off. Walk there in lunch time past. Otherwise by seminars, Vortr? or fairs (internal and external) or z. Controlling of working groups, whereby I became acquainted with straight with fairs other personaler ones. Was never wrongly believes it me:). I sutdiere in the second term at the north academy (range BWL). Which was addressed here, can I actually only best?gen. also with the words "one meets normally always 2mal in the life"). That was a very pleasant event in my still fresh career (this small anecdote fits the upper find good I). The NAK network works really well. Straight f?die thesis (diploma) (to the seats I straight) is to be had it extremely helpfully friends and acquaintance in other enterprises. Are in such a way at data rank-come to never see some normal Studi one gets to unterst?en - also Unternehmens?rgreifend. Times the Toefl test interests me. One must absolutely reach the 90 Pkt or one also with less is immatriekuliert. Property already a promise, must still complete however this test. Who has you said that one must complete 90 point that one one. HP: Sorry, I assumed you do not mean the NAK wg. TOEFL, there are n?ich n?g. thus I want also to the north academy and wanted to ask which enterprise k?t it to recommend so correctly. And of which one is employed firmly with security and where one has the best salary. Thus zun?st times it depends on in which industry you wants to work. Airbus is (times apart from the present crisis) a good employer, probably always?rnimmt NAKler (.) and pays rather well, however all nothing uses, if you want to work z. in the banking or in the media.) You have a safe fixed employment with nearly no enterprise. Most guarantee only a?ernahme f?ein or two years. In addition, l?t itself here no general statement meet. Which sowas concerns can I only guess/advise: The enterprises call f?die you are interested and inquired. The payment should be v?ig all the same you before the study only times. The Geh?er w?end the study is differently high, drifts however - except for a few exceptions - not really apart. F?das content after the study applies: Those are still 5 1/2 year (approx. 4 1/2, if you it with Gl? still to create a place f?Ende 2007 should get), up to then can everything different be. Thus no thoughts dar?r make have also for 1.5 months nen place on the NAK f?WI 2007. Me w?e interest, on which I evtl prepare k?te. or simply on me lets come. Your first term f?t then probably in January 2008 on. You then lectures to have to "technical bases", "general political economy", programming, IT gest?tes account system, Mathe, English, InterNet bases, general management economics are at hapag Lloyd found accomodation with java begin goes through one however nix wrongly or as is the Gehalr with H-LL. I always thought the people, which h?en here briefly before study end, only the "main thing high Gehalt" eyeglasses up. Now with the applicants the f?Pl?e goes already loosely in the binary study: (. One can make also the master there. And w?e that operated also pays. The master is at present not yet to the NAK m?ich. Whether the enterprise, which will then pay h?t from the enterprise (and mostly probably of the own achievement). If that is true w?e I gladly changes, it is to be found heavily a training enterprise. But the BCG, those does not get sih the Top university Stundenten (such people like me. Achja, clearly the Abl?summe, have yesterday go? BCG offers 48mio. If I you w? w?e I the Abl?summe of north academy students do not untersch?en, those become already completely sch?umworben. Thus BCG does not scoutet nevertheless. Then?rlege I me again with the change, because the Nordakamie is stop completely sch?Nord.). Thus it gives already some north university graduate, who landed in the management consultations. Which Deals ran there, wei?ich not. The "Abl?summe" is here however probably somewhat wrongly understood. Most NAKler is contractually obligated to remain after the study f?1 or 2 years with its training enterprise. Who wants to go fr?r, must "redeem itself" often, as the Studiengeb?en (proportionate) is zur?bezahlt m?en. It occurs that the "new" enterprise, this Geb?en?rnimmt then. There is a kind "Abl?summe" thus already, but stop with background described above. Thus it is correct, which probably which gegegangen to BCG are, but I w?e it nevertheless did not scouten call.) Even still there I study and one can also a little negotiation fate very much with the UN reach. However w?e I (my opinion) me nciht umbedingt only with the standards (Exxon, Eon, airbus Springer etc..) apply, but also or other Mittelst?ler considers (z. MArquardt and Bahls, know people those sehhhr there are content). Well?rlegen, many Nakler change "also among themselves". Nevertheless I that the theoretical training with the binary study is more important, think as the practical. I play with the thought in October 2007 at the NAK WiIng to begin (I have there?rhaupt still chance to get a place), in addition times few to ask: -Wie is high ungef? the SWS number. (refrained from Sto?eiten) still time remains f?ein private life. You find the WING Studienplan here:. There you then can see, like many Std. Here it makes itself sense, with interest, directly with the enterprises to inform like those handles. I am WIng to the NAK and write straight at my thesis (diploma). A few notes to the things, which stand not on the Website:. I agree some previous speakers, one should in no case after content or Gr? go. I landed with a Mittelst?ler, from which I before never somewhat go? has and are very content. We are paid after tariff (industrial union metal) and that is more than tidy. Many of my colleagues in gr?ren enterprises (z.? - and aircraft construction) are dissatisfied, the?ernahmechancen are generally good, but in small enterprises always clearly besser.0 in the Abitur had and did not have in the school time not?rm?g much to learn, in order to come through there well. One must say however completely clearly: to the FH blows another wind. I pers?ich learned f?jede individual examination more than f?alle written Abiturpr?ngen together. The 10 weeks are not easy really (it is, one is a 1. The last 2 weekends the examination week ago however were then rather occupied with learning. To create with much Flei?ist however everything. A friend of me studies mechanical engineering at a "normal" Universit?und I w?e its study as heavier designates. As an industrial engineer one cannot enter in the limited time stop into all technical and economical F?er so deeply. The situation of the HSBA is clearly better, however one actually always finds a dwelling in Elmshorn. The prices lie between 500 and 800 EUR per term (10 weeks). The?ernahmechancen is, if one is not swallowed into airbus-crisis-well-behaved Zust?e more ger?oder straight (Ph?x of Conti) very good. The north academy is always top. however the Ranking reflects primarily the opinion of the students again. At the equipment it in addition, really nothing gives too bem?eln. That looks to the HSBA completely differently. Rankings and call speak f?die NAK, the Logo. -) f?die HSBA. Here are there to probably sometimes keep problems the time table and is these also w?entlich at short notice is often ge?ert, and/or however I have that only go? and whether that today still like that is, I cannot judge. In the Gro?n and whole one the lecturers however first cream are and often also real Gr?n of their field of activity. Who finds nat?ich its desire enterprise only with the HSBA, in any case f?ein bad study does not decide. I know 3 people at the north academy was. If?rnommen, then super bad salary. If had super problems do not?rnommen?rhaupt nen job to find. FINGER WAY, IF YOUR WHICH WANT. That is total imbecility that BCG NAKler adjusts. Recognize also a specialized university diploma on. Our requirement profile plans a Universit?abschluss. But tr?t times more sch?weiter. -). Envy is a Eingest?nis of the inferiority. K?glich is it, on in a surrounding field with pond and super resources to study (max. 25 persons), to have and a UN in the R?en which pays you all this (also your foreign stay world-wide in the 5ten terms). I wei?es, because my cousin is there besch?igt. FH Thread with your "Gehate", it nervt me sowas from on. You probably still never worked and you also at a UN against 200 other applicants did not intersperse. See it, we are up to now the winners:). The payment of graduates of the NAK lies between 2. I think that am completely good prospects, how regul? Dipl. however usually also only 2-3 years sp?r. H?re Einstiegsgeh?er have however 5 FHs, the NAK lie thus in the center. Everyone should itself bewu? f?seinen way decide, with all respective pro and cons. Which conclusion is "better" finally h?t anyway of it off which conclusion of the Entscheider has at the company, where one applies. I feel the FH study as more easily, the chances with a FH conclusion not substantially bad I want also dual a study to make. The direction should be BWL. But I am not very good in English (8 points), therefore want I to ask whether one m?te to the NAK a Toefl test ben?gt. I dual a study makes. The direction should be BWL. But my English note (8 points) is not very good. Therefore want I to ask whether one ben?gt to the NAK a Toefl test. to the NAK do not need you TOEFL test. Mach you times none allzgro?n concerns because of the 8 points, correctly badly is that now also not. Important it is anyway that you intersperse yourself in the application procedure with the UN. So long German, Mathe, politics/historical/economy etc. are well to very good hands that. Au?rdem probably plays your Pers?ichkeit with the gr?e role:). There are already realizations to the results of the first HSBA Bachelors. Those those now to the NAK study, it you with several enterprises applied nevertheless certainly or. Like many there was and like many promises fluttered in the house. Thus I become hopefully in October 2009 you sto?n, if everything folds in such a way, how it presents to me. I focus Abi on a restaurant High School within 2,0-2,4 the range, more daf?aber still then a 2-j?igen Nebenjob in the retail trade. Which programming languages knew you before already. I can go around so far well in Excel and Acces come also still and have forwards still PHP and xhtml to learn. With security will be nutzlich or. Gerad the promise f?die NAK more f?Oktober 2008 as a restaurant economics got. 2 promises =) Geiles Gef? w?en to k?en, with whom I my desire training make m?te.) HP: Do not believe the fact that the enterprises pay attention in such a way to censorship had only 5 points for example into German. Main thing your application f?t (positively) up and you places itself not too bl?im to Gespr? on. Are even actually calm and a little extrovertedly and habs nevertheless created). Arrives much on the enterprise. With us w?st you with 5 Pkt. But although cordial Gl?wunsch studies much Spa?und success to the acceptance and then n?stes year at the NAK hello, I at present on the University of industrial engineer nature and w?e change gladly on the north academy because of financial difficulties exist actually still m?ichkeit this year on the north academy to come I want n?stes year in October 2008 to the north academy can to me for one say, when the application period ends sp?stens. H?t from the respective enterprise. Best directly on the homepage of your desire enterprises look. With many you will be however f?2008 often already too sp?dran, there at the end of of September application conclusion are seem it a remainder place to f?den beginning in this year to only give (however ne BWLer place). I Saturday the promise to the study at the Telekom got. I have only two applications written, which did not become one yet answered, am no longer important to me in addition. I got one of two Pl?en nevertheless. I think, it come always on your Teamf?gkeit and your whole occurrence on and not only your notes. However it becomes now probably nothing more with the admission f?2008. I had genuinly still Gl?, that the Vorstellungsgespr? etc. only in January took place. My application was appropriate n?ich only for at the end of of Decembers in the mail box. I live in rear spar, m?te however each morning nearly two hours up to NAK with the course drive. W? thus nevertheless rather arduously in the long term. _ K?t it the hostel to the NAK recommend. As the rooms are and as live together one there. There is to much exchange and the individual student or remains everyone f?sich. NAK hostel fine I not so madly, but better than 2 hours of course travel is always it. But why you do not look for ne terms WG in Elmshorn. On the idea of a term WG I did not come yet. D thus, I is to ask simply times the people, with which I will study. Then h?e I however still the other dwelling, which paid also in the three months become m?te. Naja, I?rlegs me still have still little time. Thus there is a list with the respective partners of f?Semester WGs. at the north academy also to the email account rooms is h?ig passed on. On time you find a room in rear spar also. Otherwise look for you which n? HBF/Dammtor, then are it 45 minutes up to NAK. Because in rear spar is geiler. now times much still further information lives like the attitude test at the north academy f?neue co-operation enterprises looks vllt. Makes also demn?st still further information must like the attitude test at the north academy f?neue co-operation enterprises looks vllt. Must make also demn?st. In the final result determined as loadable and purposefully you are, besides your knowledge "tested". I was not there, study however to the NAK and it am feasible have you vllt still a few more exact data her pr?n my schulmathe or how. Also so a kind intelligence test is durchgef?t. You have already times from other people those that to have made go?. I have times ne question to the hostels, could on the InterNet side no information there find or has everyone completely be "own richly". sorry, I have really no notion, but are located in the rooms already the most important m?l in it because I once in elmshorn and once in the n? my training enterprise will live must I then everyone times my schr?e etc.. W? super if me someone help k?te. To the test (like that as it times was before a few years): - analyze restaurant economics (by nem Prof "apart" is then taken - interview (why you want to make that, think you which you are loadable, your goals) NO WARRANTY IT STILL SO ABL?FT. To the hostel (do not live there): - rooms with desk, bed, cabinet, wash basin. A question h?e I trozdem still, like siehts out with telephone/InterNet. Couches there any lines or so or I become only with the mobile phone telephone k?en. You have on the whole Nordakademiegel?e Wireless LAN and can it also always use. Besides there are several Computerr?e, if you does not possess a laptop (rather improbably I wei?), to which you have 24h entrance with an electronic transponder. Telephone from the fixed net becomes rather difficult without mobile phone (white it not exactly), but gives Homezone, Skype etc. so that the end of the fixed mains connection is anyway foreseeable). Me genuinly helped thank you, you. I m?te sp free of charge f?2 weeks to the sample subscribe. At expiration of this period we call you or ask you in writing whether them at a far purchase.
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