March 9, 2008

Diagnosing reflux

. From the 11 you open them 2003 have been publishes Diseases to you iata them of the dog and the cat: a pathological complex the gastroesofageo reflux?l common denominator dell.ernia iata them and cardiale dell.incompetenza. Of it it has spoken to Maximum Gualtieri to the Conference about Gastroenterology SCIVAC-SIGEDV the diseases iata them go framed which complex pathological of one entire anatomical-functional region, not limiting itself to consider therefore to single pi?amiliare hernia iata them. An event of succeeding which nine hundred veterinaries have participated, rewarding a valid one and curing scientific and organizational program. Quest.ultima condition?unque the common denominator of the various affections iata them, at the same time consequence and main clinical manifestation of these diseases. Also in human medicine disease from gastroesofageo reflux refers to us in fact to this pathological complex with the term of MRGE (). These diseases can be cause of signs clinicians of for s?ma turn out still pi?ignificativo their role in the development of the gastroesofageo and dell.esofagite flow. vomito deriving from pathology iata them. L.incompetenza of the cardias and l.ernia iata them (hernia from scivolamento and paraesofagea hernia iata them) is the two shapes pi?omuni in the animals d.affezione. This lack of coordination door to the reflux of the gastric content in the lume esofageo. Gualtieri, l.incompetenza of the cardias to pu?ssere considered the cause pi?omune of gastroesofageo reflux in the dog and the cat. The signs clinicians vary with the gravit?el give esofageo and are represent to you from anorexia, disfagia, excessive salivation, regurgitation, cough, vomito, haematemeses and dyspnoea respiratory manifestations are often the first sign of this condition and in the light shapes they can be the only ones. The reflux in effects not?ecessariamente associated to esofagee lesions. The easy diagnosis?empre and is not based on signs clinicians and endoscopico examination. The x-ray with contrast medium not sensitive?bbastanza. It must also hold account of factors that can induce the gastroesofageo reflux during l.esame endoscopico, like the lateral decubitus, l.insufflazione of air and the somministrazione of drugs preanaesthetics and anaesthetics (diazepam, tiopental, alotano). Often, the LES is opened with the simple air insufflation. This condition for pu?ssere associate to a constant reflux of gastric liquid towards l.esofago and to signs of oesophagitis. In the light cases, or when the described endoscopiche manifestations (in particular l.esofagite) are absent, the diagnosis to pu?ssere indeed impegnativa. Un.ernia iata them?na protrusion of the stomach through the esofageo hiatus in the thorax. In the dog and the cat they have been recognized two types of this condition: l.ernia iata them from scivolamento and that paraesofagea. This malposizionamento and the loss of the support of the LES carries to one reduction of the pressure of the gastroesofageo same LES and to a riflusso secondary. Paraesofagea Nell.ernia iata them, a portion of the usual stomach (the bottom) ago hernia in the mediastino all.esofago next thoracic, while the LES remains localized in normal position. L.ernia from scivolamento?i?omune of that paraesofagea and pu?ssere permanent or intermittent. L.ernia iata them to pu?ssere congenital or acquired. The congenital shapes pi?requenti and are?tato assumed that they derive from one malformation of the esofageo hiatus. The signs clinicians are of usual pi?ravi in the congenital shapes. Many subjects can be asintomati to us. The signs primary clinicians are represent to you from vomito, regurgitation, excessive salivation, disfagia, anorexia, loss of weight and dyspnoea. In numerous cases, the manifestations can be intermittent. These signs are of the all sovrapponibili to that dell.incompetenza of the cardias. Clinical L.esame of usual does not evidence null of particular, but pu?ar to find pulmonary loss of weight, fever and sibili and rantoli. The diagnosis dell.ernia intermittent scivolamento to pu?ichiedere l.applicazione of one positive pressure sull.addome in order to induce a breakup, or the resource to fluoroscopici studies. Radiografico L.esame of the thorax pu?nche to reveal the presence of signs of pneumonia ab ingestis. Paraesofagea the definitive diagnosis dell.ernia iata them usually comes formulated by means of esofago/gastrografia and fluoroscopia. ?tile L.endoscopia in order to confirm the diagnosis of hernia from scivolamento and in order to estimate l.esofagite from possible secondary reflux in the cases of intermittent hernia. They can be observed you vary oesophagitis degrees distale. catching up the lume gastric with l.endoscopio and observing the gastric depositor. From this position, un.apertura of variable dimensions that simulates the cardias, but?ovuta all.impronta of the pillars of the diaphragm is observed. Through this opening, they can be seen an esophagus feature tos be distant them and the cardias around dislocated wrapped all.endoscopio. In order to demonstrate the disorder iata them, l.endoscopio to pu?enire withdrawn in position retroflessa until covering l.intero third they tos be distant dell.esofago. In its experience, l.autore has not never documented this type of esofagea hernia. Passing to the complications, the gastric fluid reflux nell.esofago?a cause pi?omune of oesophagitis in the small animals. In pathology iata them, the riflusso?ovuto to a reduction of the pressure of the esofageo sphincter they tos be distant, whose function comes mechanically compromised. The frequency of the riflusso, the time of contact with the mucosa and the composition of the refluito material determine gravit?ella the lesion. The alterations are of usual localized in correspondence of the third party to be distant them dell.esofago. In the cases pi?ravi an increase of friabilit?ella the mucosa and one are observed its tendency to the easy one sanguinamento. quest.ultimo to pu?ssere spontaneous or provoked from the passage dell.endoscopio. The cases pi?ravi are characterize to you from the presence of erosions and ulcere. to be scattered on the greater part of the esofagea mucosa. Ulcere ovals and with indistinct margins can appear under shape of little deep lesions, or as alterations pi?rofonde with margins find you and edemato. Un.altra complication?aratterizzata from the presence of esofagee stenoses. These probably originate from process of an abnormal and irregular guarigione of wide and deep lesions of the mucosa dell.organo.2006. 42: 65-70), cio?a esofageo internal metaplasia dell.epitelio tos be distant them in the cat, assimilable all.esofago of Barrett dell.uomo. The aspects clinicians and endoscopici in these cats are not turn out to you specific and riferibili. In the cases that do not answer to the medical therapy or in presence of wide hernias iata them?ecessaria the surgery. In the patients with secondary gastroesofageo reflux to serious incompetenza of the cardias?ndispensabile to put into effect one procedure antireflux (fundoplicatura of Nissen). "Reflux Esophagitis in Three Cats Associated With Metaplastic Columnar Esophageal Epithelium. Gualtieri and Olivero J Am Anim Hosp Assoc. Maria Grace Monzeglio Med Vet PhD.php echo"$regsins[3]-$regsins[2]-$regsins[1 ]". Ricomparsa of the Morbillivirus in the dolphins of the Mediterranean First case of tripanosomiasi canine African in Europe cistoscopica vescicale Polipectomia in the dog. Mycobacterium liflandii in one colony of European frogs Emerg Infect Dis [ serial on the Internet ].

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