March 8, 2008
Safety first sun shade
com - the gate A?nautique and Spatial - Aero and Espace - Chronicles. - - MODIF PIERRE: DESACTIVATION OF THE USELESS ELEMENTS OF THE MENU. Receive insert your professional email to the Pierre Sparaco' S chronicle newsletter The English version will Be available soon Voyage apr?voyage, we learn patience. By making the tail in front of the counter d.enregistrement and, especially, on the way of the contr?s s?t?Quelques pi?s yellow that Bernadette Chirac does not have us piqu? can be enough??encher l.ire blind man to the gantry. r??rop sensitive. While we await our turn, two possibilit?se pr?ntent for s.occuper l.esprit. The personnel crois?ur the way of l.embarquement t?ignait us?out urgent his high consid?tion. We?ons customers respect? In this case, better the second possibilit?observer the personnel of s?t?n is worth to choose full action. Of r?exion for the psychologists channel post-9/11 and, for the mani, a case d.?le, a subject common run of people excellent? d.occuper time. The historical bases are well-known. It is enough d.habiller a dark quidam d.un uniform to give him a capacity. Entrust to him a walkie-talkie and the function suppos?du character gains instantan?nt in prestige. The small apparatus, agr?nt?.une flexible antenna, are a symbol of being able, to the m? titrate qu.une t?commande of t?visor. With port?d.appel gr?llant a supervisor, a chief, a autorit?up?eure Pr is? ?ondre on l.ennemi potential with the first call. L.uniforme, the walkie-talkie and the gantry constitute a frightening unit. Chairman of multinational, righter of wrongs journalist or candidate?a candidature for the PS, we all are temporarily?ux in front of the m?ance. C.est-?anger?a thank you for l.homme right in its boots of the s?t?Il you tance, looks at your small case with suspicion, as if you?ez likely of d?urner A319 d.EasyJet towards the twin towers of Kuala Lumpur. With d?ctation, it then invites you to?uvrir the aforementioned case gonfl?de files, of messages, notes d.h?ls and restaurants. Thus spouts out: c.est paper would be necessary to prohibit?ord planes, and not the liquids. While waiting for, let us take to them s?eux tr?au and did not n.oublions that they are the terrorist candidates who have them sauv?des claws of l.ANPE. Gr.? ?ux, they have trouv?ravail, prestige and capacity. And they have oubli?bien heard, qu.en l.absence of sufficiently many passengers, they would make the tail in front of an office of l.ANPE. Answers found for this chronicle reading You quasi-quotidiennement I appr?e your witty remarks and accuracy of the latter. To such a degree that I can confirm (?nt me-m? a user counters my gr?e these "gantries and additives.") what this text can m? ?e read with the first degr?D?l?ue vouspreniez a ticket of mood badly, with the intentionally sour tone?anger with the second degr?Mon intention?it?demment not that which you seem to imagine. The last paragraph is really of too. If you?s a planqu?Mr Pierre Sparaco, this n\' is not the case of these agents of s?rit?Un little respect?\'?rd of this personnel which ensures our s?rit?our the flight, m? if c\' is g?nt?\' emb sector a?nautic A always? associ? concept of contr? (manufacture, maintenance, piloting, etc). It is the occasion to recall or pr?ser that all (travellers, agents of s?rit?pilotes, contr?urs a?ens) must assume their responsabilit? In an organization as complex as a?en transport, it is?mentaire to encourage the concepts among assistance and of cha?. The solidit?' a cha? is a function of the weakest link. Complete the form below to answer. In connection with does the purchase of F-16 by the Poles, it seem to me that it is of notori? public that they regret today am?ment this choice. It would be can -?e the kind of information on which to rest. Thank you Mr Sparaco for your a?nautic chronicles. M?venture of A320 of Lufthansa m?te f?citations to have sauv?' plane and passengers for this landing of most difficult. One did not say only Space Ship One de Scaled Composites?it an insane bet. In is, the attempt at Bertrand Piccard is daring but it requires ann? of pr?ration as it was the case for the SS1. Pr?ir the delivery of this bomber in 1018, it is still better than of optimism but the reader will have rectifi?e him-m?. my joy does not have limits today: I finally have just read under a feather journalistique(m? if it is sp?alis?combien readers.) what I think since small tens of ann?.) covered by a "multirisk" insurance and not putting the nose outside that with its airbags portable?a girdles while soft exalt?par the id?de God girdle explosives. When this politically-correct-l?era it neutrlis?ar a revival of good direction. Vraissemblablement in the neighbourhoods of 2018, the famous NSR. It is well?dent that we did not await Zorro for floor and?dier of new innovating technologies. Much noise and mixing of air around projects which breathe all except the policy. It would not act plut?d' Egidio Pedrini. If that is the case, I know it rather well because it is a afficionado of Cannes Airlines Forum maintaining the WAF One would have m very? aim?n to know a little more about the argumentation of Mr. Nishimatsu, m? if its conclusions are enough surprising in the context pr?nt?ar Mr. Sparaco whose, in addition, I appr?e much the chronicles. This director would not have it exp?ment?une machine?emonter time ". A?en transport is by its tendency?eporter the r?lution of the probl?s (not only that of the disponibilit?u p?ole) at the following day. The services assur?par of A320 (or the 737) are thus excluded from it. Airplanes have Far have the Eye Can See a small sentence is gliss?pour to batir all this reflexion: "reseaux r?onaux put?art". however, it is indeed the segment of the r?onaux planes which is in particular into strong croisssance, I speak about the monocouloirs standard 320. Or then, you consid?z not Mulhouse-Nice by Easyjet in 320 like course r?onal. Or Shanghai-P?n of the m? order, any proportion of distance gard? Thank you for this?airage original on the world for the a?nautique one. I inform you of the publication d\\\\\\\' a book homage?aroline Aigle, intitul?Caroline Aigle, flight bris?ux?tions Jacob-Duvernet. L\\\\\\\' author is Jea-Domenica Merchet. Added: 2007-08-23 - By: fran?s Jouaillec Aeros Thank you to have chosen?quer it tragic disappearance of Caroline Aigle, I was likely to frame it?' Polytechnic Ecole, it symbolized the best of than our youth can produce. Pierre hello, completely of your opinion, like very often. Personnel tr?connus of a?unotic the fran?se has profit?e this footbridge (old OCV etc. Does the limitation?0 have? also a inadapt?our means of putting an end to this possibilit?qui touched about fifteen anybody) and who now applies?' together pilots. The age limit, is 60 years old, of the PNT has Air France is quite former A 1990 by far. Corsair A benefits from this limitation, to engage of the PNT (Cdb, Opl, Omn) qualify and experimentes on B747 and put the retirement of office by successive Air France One of the reason of the has programs delays within Eads may Be also explained by has domino effect. One delay one the program is mobilizing resources wich are then No more available for the next program development. Thus, creating has delay one this later program. So the fix will cuts to take this into account.Qui still thinks that all the political d?sions are taken in dialogue with people who know and who make. IF the transformation of pollution CO2 has great height does not produce by solar radiations has long terme.cela is has to see, and c\' is scientific business. To be able deplacer without plane is become aberrant and corespond has a total psychological fever. To take its time c\' is to believe that we will only die. Seldom does a chronicle have? also just, also relevant. J\' esp? that by n\' inporte which means, it will arrive on the desk of this minister-com?en. The r?il (even the alarm bell) sounds since several ann?. When the manufacturers leave their l?argie finally. The initiative of EasyJet, which, in June, had pr?nt?on concept of?-plane?it thus salutary. I am constern?en revenge, when I read with the letters to the Editor of professional magazines of the letters calling into question the human origin of the evils of the plan?. I benefit from it to stress that r?auffement and the hole of the layer of ozone are probl?s enough diff?nts (cf You speak about Am?cains, but imagines one only one moment a British minister criticizing Tornado, this m. I point out to you the sentence of Montesquieu (the spirit of the laws), cit?par Charles Edelstenne: "England has the policy of its trade, France, the trade of its policy. doesn't "Two billion passengers" mean only one third of the inhabitants of the plan? took the plane in the ann? Many passengers took the plane several times. The "two billion" thus twice counts those which made a return ticket. As for the 1 %, if it is spectacular, he is a tr?inf?or to the 4 or 5 % of annual growth of the sector. Excellent remark on the plumpness growing of the passengers. Still a new tax finally. But also I thus pay I pollute. That gives good conscience?out the world but r?ut not the probl?. The only solution for r?anger these?ssions of CO2 would not be it not to roll less, TO FLY LESS. For did a family of 4 people?fait when m? 12 liters. And in more it can do it on 8000 km d.un blow, 16000 return tickets. It is said to us that the Indians travel by as much the train in one day as l.avion in one year. Qu.ils continue, and qu.on makes m?. I know, for us professional the l.a?nautique one, c.est to a little begin?cier the branch on which one sat. But safeguard of our plan? is?e price. Then to replace of old planes pollutants by the new ones, yes, d?lopper transport a?en?out, is necessary will see. To give up the bizjets which will pollute as much with 3 or 5 passengers qu.un turboprop of 50 places. Pr?rer?elles holidays in Corsica in Thailand. To steal?00km/h in turboprop instead of 900 km/h out of jet?fait how many diff?nce on a flight int?or. Do some pr?rent D? to roll?00 km/h that to steal?00. One is made false a id?sur the biocarburants which are not as inoffensive as pr?ndu. more they r?ament of important surfaces which g?rent d?restation, which does not go in the good direction. Thus this id?est certainly more constructive than to shave the for? like the Amazon, to quote only it. Voil?ne proposal all?ait r?ist. Moreover, there is average to sow?artir of a standard plane C-130, this for?anti CO2. Indeed there is a syst?, bas?ur our systme Snowdrop of dropping of food, which could?e utilis?our semer.des shafts a plane, in zones like the Southern lisire of the Sahara or in other favourable places. We (my English friend and me)avons D? fact of the practical tests. A project on the Europ level? would be possible. The leaders of Airbus and Boeing owe conna?e the proverb br?lien "when one has a to?en glass one does not throw stones on the close to?du". I think that indeed one is not pr?d' to forget this plane of r?s, more than a l?nde. Probl? : its am?gement co?rait less moiti?u budget \\\\\\\"pr?\\\\\\\" for Ota, and the lobby of the contractors is active. D?l?our this sentence tronqu? who has us? signal?par of many readers. Of course, it was a question of explaining why by choosing a supplier in zone euro, Airbus would pay much expensive. According to the formula consacr? each one had rectifi?e him-m?. "Boeing would pay them approximately 40 % less expensive". This is?anger that Honeywell sells in euros?irbus and in dollars?oeing.5mhz are insufficient to locate a d?ess quickly, if they function. The small civil apparatuses can in?e?ip?ais this n\' is not an obligation. Out, the ELT 406 MHz are sold only if they are obligatory. The ELT civil aircrafts would be thus more l?res and less ch?s. Is one of the soci?s world leader of the beacons of a?nautic d?ess COSPAS-SARSAT the soci? ELTA?lagnac. Indeed beautiful example of what it is necessary to do with all m? a reflexion on what one should not do. Truth apparently always remains in the eye of the photographer, films a mountaineer which falls (or an end of metal which detache). What could make the airport in five minutes. Law people will find to them biftec there. There remain situations or one can there nothing but which one knows all. Moreover, the SaM146 engine is coproduit by NPO SAturn and Snecma. To also note that Sukhoi has modernis?es structures and its m?odes with much of know-how. On the whole, it is thus normal of consid?r Superjet 100 like cr?ble. Euh, undoubtedly wanted you to speak about the EC145. I acknowledge to often lose me-m? in the m?dres of the Eurocopter nomenclature. There are not only the historians of a?nautic the?onnaitre the town of Augsburg (and not Ausgbourg, city which would be located pr?de Frankfurt apparently). Augsburg is c?bre in the history by: * the di? who was held to with it in 1530, and o?ut pr?nt?la Confession of Augsburg, * the alliance of Augsburg between Fran?s Ier and the princes luth?ens against Charles Quint, in 1534, * the int?m of Augsburg, esp? does compromise enter the two parties, pr?nt?ar Charles-Quint?a di? from 1548, * by the league of Augsburg, which was form?en 1686 between the two lign? house of Austria, Known?, Saxony, Bavi?, circles of Souabe and Franconie, etc, with an aim of arr?r empi?ments of Louis XIV: it was the d?t war of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697), war which Trait?e Ryswick finished. That known as without p?ntism none. This name recalling me of old memories of course of history, I had recourse?ikip?a to find all that I report to you this morning. And then especially, that gives the opportunity to me to thank you for your chronicle which I read r?li?ment and who I appr?e. I have aim?e verse well on the value of the money. Assur?nt, they will go less quickly but will be able to rest so much well during the voyage. If you allow, I find you a little hard to say that the aviation of tourism is restee has the ecart great technical progress. Our company is specialisee in the aviation of businesses and we are each time surprised by what the general aviation arrives has to achieve. One should not confuse the probl?s plane and the probl?s of industrialization, even of industrialist. According to is the rumour the plane excellent, but industrialization is not yet perfectly R?? And the industrialist must choose a strat?e (Power 8. One does not arrive?n such station, and in this context, without large qualit?d' appr?ation and of expression. In fine, the businesses are done on confidence and the r?tation: to reach the proactive transparency that point is worth well the soft consensus or the d?s ' diplomatiques'. The qualit?de Mr. Enders and of Welsh Mr. are thus compl?ntaires, and AIRBUS must benefit as well as possible from the free-Germanic forces. It is the least which one can say. Article int?ssant, promising bus awakening of the industrialists. D?que the public opinion is able?aire to rock the plans marketing, it is that the "green" is in the fruit. Question of layman: What emp?e a?en transport to pass?' hydrog?. (in addition to the stake?nomic?ourt terme).Pour automobile transport one us r?rque that the op?tions of filling of the r?rvoirs is dangerous, in aviation the op?toins are more s?risables. Thank you for this article and all the articles which you r?gez. I many information on your site because you?s is allowed to take again an open bible for us young who did not know M. One of old of l\' A 300 and always your fid? The end of the baroque period There are a few weeks of l?n annon?t "recruitings" at Airbus Germany. Under these conditions quid of the plan Power 8. I find that Airbus in the bosom of EADS is not "the" solution. Would airbus owe?e a soci? completely ind?ndante and it would be good also to remember the origin of the Airbus which, if I have good m?anger, has? cr??oulouse within the soci? A?spatiale. Your article does not make any mention of the ameliorations apportees by this new Boeing plane. as a hedonist, but this quil is necessary, it is to reduce everywhere this tension trouvee in the large airports. I have suporter 2 hours of more than symphony engines, while passing by Cincinnati instead of me to return directly has Atlanta and the major South, having lack the correspondence has Happy St to know that Charles of Gaulle is not, or will not be any more one congestion monster. Atlanta is easiest A to sail, has my opinion. And it is the moment to invest in the airports has to come. France and Japan lean on the sst SEE the conf?nces of press of the living rooms 2005 and 2007 Mr. Michel Th?al chairman THALES JAPAN I am indign?ar the absence on the chains of t?vision of the retransmission of the pr?ntations in flight of Saturday or dimance, as if that did not int?ssait the public. Hello Mr. Sparaco, I read with int?t your chronicle r?li?ment because I appr?e his relevance in g?ral. I benefit from it to tell you apr?coup that this one has me D? because it seems to me partisane and political with this title "Of the powder to the eyes". good has, because of any F? AIRBUS-EADS is a political and strat?que company. It is good that the chief of?t fran?s mark his pr?nce, the mark live?is and C? ?? German. Should not one help to??blir an effective governorship, and to mark the support of the?t. A great cheer for this chronicle anti-language of wood, of large (im)pertinence. is not this step l?galement a great paradox. See what there is a probl? (the r?auffement climatic one, the rar?ction of the resources of which the p?ole. Let us go Messrs, test?e a little bit more coh?nts. See?e prone a chronicle in the duck enchain?Je direction which your chronicle will bient?devenir paying. We are five Sup\' has? living in Romania, d\' o?e you?is, this country passionn?ar flying machines (you point out Aurel Vlaicu for example). am your chronicle with fr?sy. One day, when you have time, made an article on l\\a?nautic in Romania, I request from you, and a price d\' accessible subscription. Of agreement with any ton analyzes, Pierre.) have a little badly to?aisir the nuance of the rate of exposure financi?. Isn't the job, truth, of a management of such a company precisely to take care of the structures m? this type of r?it??nomique.Sinon?ervir their own enrichment. If this derni? hypoth? a reverse of hand is rejet?d' then they are all guilty of large professional misconducts indeed a little more rigour and of professionalism attenuer could all these problems and attenuer a plan with the name machiavelique. the example should not it come from haut.mais it is a little late and a great number will undergo the consequences.?uand of them serieux managers and ethiques.?uand an organization in the company correctly verrouil? Which can?e the impact on Socata. - Reinforcement of the positions (planes and soustraitance). Added: 2007-06-11 - By: Astrium in the hands of is this?anger that astrium will become nothing other than instruments sales launching by ARIANE. The Paris Air Show will probably give?ADS the occasion of r?firmer its confidence in Socata, whose TBM preserve to all them int?t. To make revoler the greedy one does this dinosaur Agree, of?que the o?e fuel could?e Br? without too much bad conscience. The beautiful white bird would be then a target id?e for the?los. The small world of a?nautic A more int?t to?outenir "green" projects more. Like, for example, the solar plane Solar Impels of Bertrand Piccard. It seems to to me that this kind of initiative makes r?r as much the passionn?d' aviation. But it has the advantage of regilding (or of plut?verdir) the blazon of this industry, montr?du finger for its environmental impact. It is clear that nowadays the brigands use this kind of v?cule not d?ssant the 60 miles to make some effractions. France you botch your military inheritance however so a long time driving of the technological innovation, the knowledge to make and the radiation of our beautiful country. Our government does not have it other subjects to occupy its civils servant. Thank you Pierre for this analysis so much borrows good-direction and quite simply of observation. That given so much pleasure of knowing that there remain attentive observers which know what they speak to apr?avoir?di?e prone. So only you do not only?ez. I read with a tr?grand int?t your headings of 1st and March 2 concerning the situation of Airbus. Thank you for your analyses and your professionalism. In when Montr? Toulouse and to benefit from this marvellous avanc?technologique. I had the impression to share this flight with you. Ca made of the good return?n of po?e little and let themselves carry by the beaut?e what the Man arrives??iser. I divide the m?s feelings that you and dgs.plobsheim on the subject the more so as I seek old models in?ts. I am tomb?out?ait by hazard on your article concerning the ecolos and aviation It would have badly come for me, to disavow all its ann? passions a?nautic I will continue as before d?ndre "the sky is?out the world" a?en transport coutent in pollution approximately 2,5% of the totalit?c' is to say that there is still margin. the problem it is the growth which is the only engine of our?nomy until or can one go to continue to double every 10 years what wants more innovation, more research, more imagination read the book of besset on the d?oissance. a true sadness of kid as you say it well and as your article points out the m?s memories to me that?ous. esp?ns for Heller that it will charm us still a long time. I read some share which the central box posed qlq probl?s r?stances and weight. Are cheer for this article?a time without last concession and yet tr?mesur?Ces is rembours?si their voyage n.est not commenc?soit rapatri?si they have D? d?t?or d?acement. This product appel?PI (Airline Passenger Insurance) is subscribed by the companies which pay between 0,50. and 0,40. HT by passenger embarqu?Les companies obtain an API label thus what should reassure the prospective customers. Added: 2006-12-15 - By: A young ing?or a?na. Let us dare a id?d' analyzes: is what the??ces of which we speak?nt compl?ment with the del?2020.) capacit?' anticipation and m? worse, of the esp?nce of pr?nce in the active life of the current d?deurs of a?nautic, and well why would owe it of pr?uper. Apr?tout, all the speakers pr?nts at the time of this conference, or almost, will be?a retirement in 2020 or not so much far from y?e. It has much? discut?e probl?tic climatic. A constraint of this type is impos?par men?' other men, it is?anger by nature n?ciable. However when the production ceiling p?oli? at the time of the peak oil will lead to restrict the consumption, towards which we will turn. It has? known as at the time of the conference by certain company a?enne that the traffic is tr?fortement d?ndant price. As for the retirements in France, the g?ration which holds the r?s of the?nomy does not occupy less world from what will be able to occur later. Unfortunately, later it is tomorrow, like soulign?ans the chronicle. For all the others: circulate, it does not have nothing there to?oir. I find your standpoint iconoclast, but salutary. Indeed, like you, I have? D? content of the conf?nce, of which few speakers have really abord?a fundamental question of the?rgie. To save a few % by-Ci by-l?' is not a r?nse?a height of the stake. In r?it?j' have the feeling that few actors of industry a?enne s?eusement believe?es s?euses modifications of the march??olier in the d?nnies to?enir. But the guarantee of the provisioning is a sufficient condition to guarantee good the sant?u sector a?en?' horizon 2020. If the Jet Fuel flirte with the 5$ the gallon (against less than 2 today), I doubt it extremely. The comment of a simple "former" passenger of this small company, but how much sypathic. I have to utilis?ir turquoise d?septembre 2006 on the line of Nice, little?que world?ette, but each month, the number increased. D?t July the rate?it of 80% on this line op?r of the relations with the offices of tourism d?le d? French regulation collee with the rules comment that to say political leaders for L commercial aviation francaise.qd one measures the damage causes by the loss I am?00% with what you have not?C' is unhappy that in France, the monopoly leaves directly and only to the leaders of Ainsi transport they do not leave any place with the small company?rgente, no help not coming either from the Control surface As usual, Pierre Sparaco carries us in a remarkable swirl of accuracy and in the event, of black humour good plac?Mais we are numerous who, reading between immense sadness and collar? who transparait, Dear Pierre. He does not seem to to me fonci?ment surprising to note that the State fran?s is absolutely unable to include/understand and support one of the florets of our industry. The men who v?tablement made Airbus, like Messrs Ziegler, Beteille or Pierson?ient by nature?' oppos?e our current policies and pass? They?ient port?par a vision, a R? and completely d?nt?ss? By opposition besides and as?e as I name with the smile "the g?ration Noël Forgeard". N?moins, malgr?a collar? who animates me, I persist?roire that this formidable Airbus family always counts in her rows as much passion and potential vision. Does the child have? warned?ue, juice of orange envoy?u analysis laboratory of the cell anti-terrorist. Does the police force in addition have men?ne op?tion blow of fist in arr?nt the accomplices of the child in the arri? Marseilles country. What is not today that a ridiculous joke arrives?Rand not. - all v?ment with a cord, laces, belts: cords being able?e utilis?ontre the members of?ipage - any apparatus?ctronic (ipod, shows, t?phone. The combinations will be provided by the companies a?ennes at the time of the recording. As from March 1, 2008, the principal factor of risk will be d?nitivement supprim?n prohibiting the passengers in cabin. They will have to travel out of compartment with their luggage, their small bag out of plastic with their tube of toothpaste. Michel Audiard made say?r Fernand: "is the idiots?ose all, it m? ?a what one them reconna? Excellent remark on the Franglais pidgin of Airbus. it is always important to say v?t? especially when they d?ndent the honor of personnalit?elle that that of Charles Champion. Lastly, a journalist who objectivit?alheureusement speaks about this sad business with one seldom retrouv?illeurs in the popular press. And they seek all??iser their r?s. The traveller can thus arbitrate between more money?estination and less comfort during transport or the reverse. And it will be some always which will pr?reront?nomiser on the voyage to benefit more fully from their final destination with more means. If cel?'?it not offered on the march?ul doubt that a company low cost would try to fill this need and probably with some succ? With the article "Putin" us voil?evenu at the time of the posture to d?iment of the analysis. It is a fact that BAe d?ngage and sells all its shares EADS. Lagard? also sells it to concentrate on. Daimler Chrysler also seeks?e d?ngager to him to concentrate on the car. How the pact of shareholder could there remain durably the m? under these conditions. And how to reproach?n Russian shareholder having 5% to now want to play a R? more active whereas the Lagard group? bient?plus only 7,5% has any. And that I know, Russia forms part of Europe since good before Voltaire. A greater taking into account of the int?ts of the Russian shareholder emp?erait us to sell in the USA. Whereas by building Europe, with Russian, one ensures the ind?ndance of Europe, his future?nomic and scientific, and one can play a R? mod?tor in the governorship of the world whereas the USA are not free from s?euses infringements of the humans right. Sector a?nautic A always? associ? concept of contr? (manufacture, maintenance, piloting, etc). It is the occasion to recall or pr?ser that all (travellers, agents of s?rit?pilotes, contr?urs a?ens) must assume their responsabilit? In an organization as complex as a?en transport, it is?mentaire to encourage the concepts among assistance and of cha?. The solidit?' a cha? is a function of the weakest link. Reading you quasi-quotidiennement I appr?e your witty remarks and accuracy of the latter. To such a degree that I can confirm (?nt me-m? a user counters my gr?e these "gantries and additives.") what this text can m? ?e read with the first degr?D?l?ue vouspreniez a ticket of mood badly, with the intentionally sour tone?anger with the second degr?Mon intention?it?demment not that which you seem to imagine. The last paragraph is really of too. If you?s a planqu?Mr Pierre Sparaco, it is not the case of these agents of s?rit?Un little respect?'?rd of this personnel which ensures our s?rit?our the flight, m? if it is g?nt?' emb It n.y qu.en Ari does not have? or in Haute-Garonne which the politicians pataugent in the orni?s work d.un future international Airport. Here can an example, -?e?ign?ans l.espace, but C Mister sparaco, I think that your residence is far from a zone aeroportuaire, in this case it is tr?facile to make your remarks With the Harmony, it?it D? aviation? speeds with the clean direction and figur?Il is not essential of?e scientific to make tests of conso. It is enough to conna?e the number of passengers, the distance from the flight and the conso carburizing on the flight. One can refine, to make averages according to the filling of the apparatuses. And the companies?as co?, which misent on fast rotations. Do the companies "low-cost" take up the challenge indeed?n probl? tr?d?cat, except those which, like Ryanair, serve secondary a?ports. Their Co? are likely to make a jump ahead if a daily rotation owes?e supprim?e manufacturer americain guard the good course. How low cost is said. in fran?s. Jean who laughs, Jean who cries. The aviators want to plant trees. You said. low cost.. The spationauts have a future. Click here to create has personal account. Yew you already cuts year account, sign in below. National Acad?e of the Air and Space
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