March 7, 2008
Do they have def jam icon
[ Blog Big-bang ] - L’.icone of the bruisers. L’.icone of the bruisers - Just for the thune.. For more constructive d?ts. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. Thank you Judith d’.?e gone down again for your roof. "hostages" "emp?? d’.aller to work Good, c’.est yes, c’.est said, one will not pass l’.ann there? Of all fa?s, therefore, the reasons of my yes, of my non-non, and then my names, all is said, and then so much worse. J’.ai envies speech d’.autre thing: I can. Ben yes, and of the blow?me p?, because I l’.ai still l?dans the throat, enroul?ux vocal cords, and if I want to be able to sing when l’.? will have come, one needs m’.en d?vrer. D?vrons us of the evil: is?commence one March 8, there knocks in the streets, the lyc?s tabass?par of the hooligans, each one remembers article the World, sign?e Luc Bronner, conclusive with racism anti-white of the bruisers, and by a p?tion against the call of the «..Indig?s of R?blique.». num? d’.Arr?sur images, ..Racism anti-white: information or intox.. Culture and d?ndances.: «..le racism anti-white exists there. J’.ai right to say that the question is either idiot or badly pos?. Qu’.il east?dent that?exist, and that the white n’.ont not the monopoly of the racist b?se, and qu’.il is dangerous cr?ns of all the colors. That this racism is an undeniable fact: c’.est a fact of speech, front? in two t?ignages collected by Luc Bronner. Icon: sign which resembles?e qu’.il d?gne, qu’.il repr?nte. It was said enough that the m?as?ient idol?es.. it would be necessary to say how much they are iconol?es, s’.agissant suburbs. In the rows of the bruisers, 100% hooligans incontr?s if not incontr?bles, but not 100% of blacks. A good amount of beurs also, and white. Are Ben yes, there white, in suburbs («..Fran?s of souche.»., of the Poles, Roumanians, c’.est of the white? not.), and there was also among the bruisers. one sees m of them? some?’.?an in the diffuse images? ?a T?. ? n’.est not connection with l’.icone but c’.est like? The premi? ḏ.?gibilit?conic condition thus does not seem not filled. Qu’.une would be needed broad majorit?e victims resembles?a victim qu’.ils draw in their speech, qu’.elle is «..blanche.»., therefore. They s’.appuient on which source, which document, which d?mpte, police officer, hospital, legal. Of my C?, result of the chance, I know only victims beurs.. Ben yes, there is. It would thus seem that some bruisers at least did not n’.aient? anim?par of the racist motivations. Deuxi? crit? ḏ.?gibilit?conic step filled by our two rogues, therefore. Promoted here the icon, the redhead, in virtue d’.un analogical reasoning a little h?f, which postulates resemblances, fout nuances, and is unaware of the exceptions. And precisely, of the analogies, in mati? of «..jeunes of the cit?». bruisers or spoli? there are of them a package, and plut??isses. Us here in Franz Olivier Giesbert, who has invit?inkielkraut, always?ropos this history:. With the passage, the manifs lyc?nes and their bruisers badly identifi?sont pass??a trap door. For is a young person paum?ussi, better worth a identit?uneste than not d’.identit?u all? also c’.est an analogy, but like c’.est also a m?phore?n’.est not at all similar. An icon, c’.est a concept s?otic, one ic?, c’.est of religious ḻ.imagery. And all?est in the Robert, of all fa?s. L’.icone of the bruisers - Just for the thune.. Why put all these questions about the rascism and about not put?.. My p?, d’.une family of 7 children, became orphan?’.? from 8 years. It n’.y did not have enough d’.argent?a house to eat correctly. Then, when a kid ate a slice of bread and jam in the court of r??ion, my dad typed it for r?p?r that which it needed. Initially it appeased its hunger and in a deuxi? time it was avenged for l’.injustice d’.?e n?auvre. Lorsqu’.en 1968, us emm?geames in cit?ouvellement Cr? in a town of middle-class suburbs, j’.ai r?it?e style d’.exploit with my buddies. Except what this n’.?it not to eat (what can?e l?time) but for poss?r d’.abord one v? then a Mobylette, then of l’.argent. When one na?pauvre, one na?pauvre of all: l’.argent, of ḻ.?cation and the r?exion. Then, one goes to easiest because the taste of l’.effort c’.est of ḻ.?cation. You who?s a pro of T?, you n’.?s not without noticing the excessive amount of requests consum?stes in direction of the young people. C’.est become so important qu’.un kid which does not carry a "Mark" n’.a more d’.existence and sees rel?er in the caste of "untouchable". Voil?es reasons suppl?ntaires for acqu?r what l’.on poss? not. Put? is, now, in majorit?oire or bronz?plus that white. Easy D’.o?’.amalgame riche=blanc except in the cit?uisque one if you do live in the cit?’.est that t’.es in the m? gal?. And then there r?gie in the group because one are the m? language, the m?s r?rences. When, child, I spoke verlan with my pals c’.?it for qu’.on does not include/understand me, to surprise my potential victims. Ca n’.a not chang?ujourd’.hui except that we are opposite ethnic groups d’.o?es concepts of racism. I do not deny qu’.il n’.y does not have racism in the ph?m?s which you raise. I propose simply another way of r?exion more??, ?on opinion, of r?udre?erme these behaviors. If j’.ai been able to leave this spiral of pauvret?c’.est gr.? ?’.Ecole with large I as Teachers then the coll? with P as Professors. Women and men who knew, by saving a life, qu’.ils would save full d’.autres of it. For more constructive d?ts I wanted r?ndre for a long time but there is no time?ause to me l’.arriv?de my examinations of end d’.ann? Your article Judith m’.encourage and me r?nforte. M? s’.il has there a tr?grand stake around the trait?j’.ai conscience that this n’.est qu’.un d?t of soci? among d’.autres. C’.est what you fa?s concerning the d?ts on the bruisers. Gr.? ?ous, I take again certain projects of which I will make you share once termin?Qu’.aurait it been necessary to make Judith then. * To establish a repr?ntatif?antillon bruisers and victims then to make a d?t?a Delarue retranscribes then in the World. * To warn the reader that the t?ignages n’.engagent that the inet?og?(et their victims). * Not to authorize whoever?es to sign and?es d?ndre.. * Corner will curdle does not read the World and does not look at either the kind of d?t cit?a priori. Its hatred n’.a not need for that for s’.affirmer. * D?uvrir racism anti white c’.est a little extremely. And?utez a little your chief, who l’.est not for nothing m? if you believe that c’.est?ause of sound?. This post is as inutil as the heading as you had demand?Le racism to him treats principalemnt on the ground, not by pr?sant qu’.il n’.y did not have ques blacks which did not type only on white. You have raccroch?otre blouse of Prof I think?’.heure o?ous?iviez and l’.int?ss?’.est not one of your?ves. Praise to us plut?les pleasures of work pluriculturel, its d?uvertes and lesson. But doesn't all n’.est not if facil, all hold qu’.?n does not read the World, undoubtedly (still that the thing is not prouv? who knows. "corner will curdle" crosses adults who read the World, which looks at Culture and d?ndances, and the?ssions of Delarue. Finally j’.?ute my boss, and not only parce qu’.il is more?.: he tells me qu’.une chronic T? on the question would not pass, and I believe it. It also says to me that the blog is a space personal d’.expression which n’.ob? not with the m?s r?es, and I believe it too. I m’.empare of this libert?j’.en make l’.usage which is appropriate to me: you say that my text is useless. If not I grant volontier of saying to you what want in the form which plait you in your space d’.ici. damage that you retained only the n?tif one. In the fact I believe qu’.il has fire there on the forum d’.ASI. When the pyromaniacs are sought they are found. This time c’.est in l’.?torial in One of the Barber dat?e not intervention imm?ate has saut?u eyes of many t?ins and will leave dr?s of felt on the bases d’.un such behavior arrests more than muscl?, d?oiements impressive and d?sur? guards?ue long and humiliating, syst?tic inculpations for ’.outrage and rebellion’., etc. the press ’.conventionnelle’. in did A little or not parl?e many t?ignages?its and photographic on the net.qui join a social violence diabolis?comme one needs to justify l’.emploi bient?normalis?e only the r? is effectively aliment?ar a rupture of the social bond that m? our pseudo-?te intellectual confirms, believing to fight it. On these diff?ntes stories, one can only read with profit the analyses of the group, anim?ntre others by Laurent Mucchielli. Read again l’.article World: Heikel t?igne of the cr?ion d’.une race, "bolos". Must one for as much?ne r?tion d’.ordre social, id?ogic?ique.. Does L??l have there racism, c’.est in l’.hypoth? d’.une consubtsantialit? that which lowers the eyes is forc?nt a man?ogner. L??l is difficult to encircle it, c’.est in the race qu’.il aims: j’.ai l’.impression that "bolo" is a performatif term. It is enough to say that quelqu’.un is "bolo" for qu’.il is it, indeed. A word without?mology (Heikel does not know d’.o?l comes, and in my own culture, it comes d’.Heikel) would probably not know?e another thing j’.ai intended to say that "bolo" meant "middle-class lopette". Naturally "bolo" is built on the m? MOD? that "sore", "middle-class boh?". With a diff?nce.: for a "sore", "boh?" n’.est not p?ratif. For ujn "bolo", lopette l’.est. One ic?, one knows, c’.est of the Greek, but an icon. (for people who ecrivent on a keyboard without acent, like me?c’.est Alt+147).une fault in a whole text c’.est not enormous Judith, cheer for your exploits j’.en would not be able dutout, then I say nothing. Not d’.accent on or, because not d’.accent on the keyboard. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. One will not thus make bient?plus the diff?nce with l’.ic? chocolate éclair. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. oh bah forgiveness for my heinous intervention which believed that a bete c’.etait and unpleasant criticism and this n’.etait in fact qu’.une question worthy of direction. An icon, c’.est pass?ar l’.anglais. Thus my computers has icons and not ic?s.. I go in economiser, me, of the keys of keyboards. In summary, if the bond is symbolic system, I do not put d’.accent, if it is transcendent, j’.en puts one. Is Zidane l’.ic? France which gains, and Lizzarazu is l’.icone d’.une mark of shampoo. Free A to choose an orthography, why one does not take that without accent. (to be noted, a funny trick when same. Finally funny, will make laugh Judith can be Ca: the?enote the Omega, the long version of the vowel O in Greek. Not d’.accent in English on icon, therefore not d’.accent on icon. But in icon, O is long. The iconic relation is fond?sur l’.analogie.: there must is to see common formal features. J’.ignorais qu’.on had put together on a plate Finki and Tarik. To tell the truth am, I a little d?sp? to see Finki leaving?eu in lollipop little. With l’.?que, it n’.?it not become the radical qu’.on place opposite d’.un another radical, history to neutralize criticisms. C’.?it a philosopher at whom one did find id? who did not cherish the politically correct one in the direction of the hair. I seek a rempla?t?oins to him that I take patience and awaits his next book. But very of m?, a p?tion on racism anti-white, qu’.elle?rie.. It will undoubtedly r?ndra you with much pleasure?rm?nt d’.intelligence and even more words if you appear on the site of sound? Merci Judith d’.?e gone down again for your roof You miss us ici-bas.. L’.ASL and the CED to which you refer, I followed them. For r?mer j’.en retain that the first measure the sant?e the d?cratie fran?se?’.aune of l’. antis?tism. Others?’.aune measurement of racist discriminations. The first are afraid, an immense fear, the seconds carry a frustration, an immense frustration. Both r?ament of l’.h?tage r?blicain.: The ones say RIGHT, the others say JUSTICE. The ones shout with the communautarism, the others with the lobbying. The ones say protection of Libert?, the others say Egalit?es chances. Nobody here never says FRATERNITY. I n’.ai nor affinit?ni indulgence for any the repr?ntants of the two camps, which d?ient the d?t d?cratic on the ground of the fears and frustrations. It n’.est not of Fran?s «..bon teint.». more guaranteeing than d’.autres of R?blique and of its values. Does France have renonc? l’.esclavage and codes it more l’.Indig?t ṉ.exist. But fear bon.:?fait?fait to sell, and undoubtedly?fait heaps d’.autres things of which j’.ignore dark the finalit? Cheer for?e gone down from the roof: m? s’.il was necessary to pass by the gouti?, you n’.?s not tomb?dans the gutter. I understand that this polemique on racism anti-white makes you reagir. The character (at least partly) racist of knocks anti-lyceenne is a fact avere. Obviously, all that is also worth if the victim is Jewish, black, or bor. From, I really do not see what s’.alarmer would be needed. This n’.est neither the journalist of the World nor the signatories of the petition who representent the least danger has my eyes. These people are evidemment conscious owing to the fact that any generalization has l’.ensemble suburbs or has l’.ensemble "blacks" and "Arabic" is odious. Can be, Judith, you say: "d’.accord, Mr. For my part, I bet on l’.intelligence and not on the silly thing of people. From the moment or l’.on east scandalizes by a racist act avere, it should be said high, and strong, without complex, fearing the possibly negative repercussions of them. Because silence involves dangers potentially much larger qu’.une sincere word and honnete, same too hative, emotive, or awkward. a "white", as greetings, will give "safety n?o", or?va n?o.. This is simply a plea in favour of more than complexit?Autrement, it east?dent that the "white" n’.ont not the monopoly of racism. But I remain dubitative as for the conclusions of l’.article of Luc Bronner.Sans speech of the p?tion sign?par Finkielfraut and others, monument d’.inepties. Admittedly it was necessary to speak about it, to bring back the facts. But the skew of l’.article of the World?it to jump?’.analyse sociological imm?ate. The journalist of the World is in my opinion in good faith. He believed?e will confront? a sociological scoop: a ph?m? social new, which would be pass?naper?et qu’.il was necessary d’.urgence to report. Leave?ller in work a little quickly. In l’.esprit of the journalist, ḻ.information?elater as fast as possible related to the ph?m? social as much as on the facts. Fast D’.o?e passage in this article of the description of the facts?ne analyzes sociological made on line. Doesn't a daily newspaper share the m? temporalit?u’.un sociologist. Would L’.article have d?’.arr?r?elater the facts and the conclusions d’.?des r?is? on the subject (s’.il there of a). The only thing of sour that this business teaches us is the great confusion of the World on its R? and its values. If the journalist is I think in good faith, I would not say the m? thing of the direction of the newspaper. I remember the 3 or 4 headlines on Loft, by calling upon a sociological analysis imm?ate, with an only aim d’.augmenter pulling. Did Antonin Artaud have m? ? convoqu?our to justify it nor? headline with small photograph of Loana in premi? page. J’.ai arr? my subscription in the World six weeks ago. For the facts, j’.ai d?ches on Yahoo actualit? For the analyses, some blogs (of which this one), some friends and my clean r?exion. Really, I do not include/understand it strong current-of-mar?de criticisms towards l’.article of Luc Bronner. For example, olicaromat l’.accuse of «..sauter directly?’.analyse sociological imm?ate.». Indeed, Luc Bronner is satisfied to report the heard t?ignages: «..Heikel (.) revendique.». «..affirme to have particip?#187. «..Heikel d?are.». «..ajoute Rachid. «..dit a lyc? white, which refuses to give its pr?m.». A the r?exion, the only passage which can s’.approcher d’.une analyzes sociological is this one:. For me, this passage constitutes more one sociological report qu’.une analyzes. Luc Bronner d?it nothing: it is satisfied d’.appeler the things by their name. M?, for the setting in?dence d’.une form of racism in the speech of SOME of these young people. It would have d?ussi to insist on the pr?nd?nce of the more extr?s in this type of situation. It is clear qu’.un interrogation groups n’.est of it not favorable?’.expression of feelings and convictions mod?s. I am?lement attrist?par the title of l’.article, which I find tout, r?ctor and awkward. Malgr?out, this article m?te not l’.avalanche of reproaches qu’.on makes him. It shows some r?it?qui d?nge but which does not have therefore?e ignor? For r?udre a probl?, D is needed? to agree to name it. I do not believe Luc Bronner enough na?pour consid?r l’.existence d’.un racism anti-white like a scoop, even less like a nouveaut?J’.esp? its sufficiently intelligent readers to understand that this ph?m? is minority, and often g?r?ar the resentment social.Ce would be a serious error or a sad proof insincerely, that of g?raliser the behaviors of these 1000 bruisers?’.ensemble of the young people of cit?Je regrets?e prone that the m?as, especially the t?s, always give the m? image of the young commuters: invariably that d’.un d?nquant or d’.un fundamentalist. There are much more young people gar?s d?voris? engag?et peaceful, qu’.on does not show it. However, the setting in lumi? of could these formidable young people, propose another MOD? identity?a mass of the excluded young people, in qu? d’.identit?Certes, l’.article taken in him-m? does not assert itself explicitly as a sociological analysis. It starts from facts report? go up?ertains actors and the word gives them. Are the facts undeniable and they owe?e report/ratio? Between parenth?s, there is strong?arier that the title n’.est not of ḻ.autor. How not to conclude within sight of the development consid?ble from this article, within d’.un newspaper. This kind of proc?s, associ? the?toriaux ones of the kind "d’.un C? yes, but of l’.autre not, then good "contribute?lomber the cr?bilit?u newspaper. L’.avis of l’.?ipe of ASI and particuli?ment of DS which conna?la house on this type of m?ode m’.int?sse.
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